Saturday, December 19, 2009


I really need some pointers from Peggy Fleming, a childhood hero of mine (guess why).

Lacing up borrowed, too large skates was my first mistake.

The Xcel Center in St.Paul was the location for an event for one of Patrick's customers, Imaging Path. They generously held their employee Christmas party in this arena. The food and drink were fantastic and the "Fishing Lodge" on the lower level was charming. The largeness of the arena and the smallness of the party was equaling as quaint.

I had a good attitude going onto the ice. It was extremely smooth and the skates felt like they were gliding easily on the slick surface. The issue was with how my feet could move within the skate and the high ill-fitting ankle did not allow for any "balance." So as I attempted to glide I bit, my feet moved, my ankles were static and I fell right on my butt.

Much hub-bub occurred and the paramedics were watching, but all that was hurt was my feelings. I tried to right myself and shake it off while Patrick and others hovered and finally I convinced them I was fine to take a few laps. We did a couple times around the rink, took a few pictures and called it a night. It was fun and I do want to try it again, with skates that fit.

Quote from Dale Carnegie;

"One of the tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horison--instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.

Okay then, carry on!

Friday, December 11, 2009

poo-poo puppy

I thought it was time to post a photo of the reason I venture into the outdoors from my safe, warm loft. Meet my youngest daughter Aly's dog, Mattie. I like to call her Matilda, poo-poo head, Dorgasaurus, Matilda Lou Mackinthun, would you please shut-up? and stop it!
It's an interesting life, living here in the building with a dog. Since moving to an urban area, I've found I need more outdoor weather gear than when we lived in the 'burbs. Especially since I need to walk through a public area into the outdoors which can be brutally cold! (see any weather map)
This has led to a love affair with Land's End. It's my new happy vice. The tee-shirts alone are worth a visit to the store, or web site. I am not a huge online or catalog shopper
because I need to feel the fabric and compare the colors and
pair up some accessories or match with other garments, then check the sale rack and then look at the coats! oh the coats-jackets-vests and parkas!
And don't get me started on the swimwear!!!
Graciously the weather has cooperated with my love for outdoor gear. Maybe the after Christmas sales will reveal a new "cold" outdoor uniform for me.
Quote of the day from Sarah Ban Breathnach;
" Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path of joy."
take care!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

parties and powder

The parties over the weekend were terrific!

Too many funny quips and jokes were shared and LOTS of building gossip exchanged! A couple of great outfits were displayed including some sparkle and glitter, as well as fashionable boots recently purchased in Russia!

I owe a big favor to Johanna who really helped me with the last minute food preparations. She worked for at least 2 hours just putting together the vegetable appetizers and salad. Then spent much time at the party arranging, filling and cleaning up.. Thank you so very much Hannie!

The powder falling from the sky put a damper on the airport run and shopping plans of Mom and Dad. After a short conversation about the snow that was forecast, M&D decided to go south and get themselves settled before they became snowed in here in Minneapolis.. Now on the 6:00 news there has been a warning to stay put, no travel is recommended. Ya can't win for tryin'. They are just fine, Janet gave them a big ol' Tahoe to drive.

The freshly fallen powdery snow was just like glitter on the Greenway. We were walking through inches of white and silver flaky glitter. It was one of those moments of beauty where the cold disappears and the only thing you're aware of is the beauty of the season. I took the dog out when I got home from the drive north, and she loved it. It is so funny to see her rub her face and body in the snow. I have a happy dog.

Quote of the day from John Wooden;

" Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."

Take care.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

prevalent pain

The pain of a migraine interrupts one's life. And the aftermath is also troublesome.

I had a headache on Sunday evening that turned suddenly into my brand of migraine pain--a whack to the back of the head with muscle tensing ache. I took the prescription given to me to my last physician and it seemed to work. Until I woke at 4:00a.m. with the same pain. I'm really annoyed that happened, because usually I can sleep off a migraine. But this one actually woke me up.

Monday was pretty much wasted in recovering from the sleepless early morning and continuing residual pain. Now today, Tuesday I am still feeling some pressure in my head and eye strain. It's challenging just getting this post written. Reading is only tolerated for about 10 minutes at a time. I'm annoyed at this delay to my life!

no quote today...take care and Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 20, 2009

preoccupied and perplexed

I don't know why I've been so preoccupied and not writing. Maybe because there has been an anniversary, a birthday, and everyday events with those near and far, that keep me away from the keyboard---except to communicate and complete random online tasks.

There was a little trip to Nordstrom Rack this week that was very enjoyable. Some holiday gifting was accomplished. I need to bring my husband there because he is in need of replacements. For nearly everything he wears. Is there some kind of voo-doo hex on the fibers in men's "foundation" garments (undies, tees and sox) that make them self destruct at the same time--with different rates of use? I'm perplexed.

Do you think I'll be able to wrangle him into a store?

quote of the day from William Shakespeare;

Give me your hands; receive you her, you him; be plighted with a love that grows as you decay.

I do rather like that man of mine.

Monday, November 9, 2009

passed past

I am officially obsolete.

Yesterday I convinced Patrick that we should renew the subscription for the daily newspaper. It's one of those nice, familiar rituals I enjoy. A comfortable chair, a giant mug of coffee, the newspaper that is delivered straight to my door like a hotel, my ritual can't be beat! There is no comparing that to reading the computer screen.

Today I find out via television media that the StarTribune is trimming it's staff by at least 100. Does that mean a less timely and informational paper? I don't know. Tell me if you like the paper paper, or the internet paper.

Now, I have more to tell about being beaten down by technology. I've been using a Blackberry on a trial basis for several weeks and I surrender. The phone is nice, all the fun ways to access information is nice, the email/text feature is easy and nice, but it's too much! I don't need all that info all the time! If I need information I will sit down at the PC and find, read it, and shut it down! Leave me alone! AACCKK! I'm considering installing a rotary dial phone on the wall in my kitchen.

Quote of the day from Mary Wollstonecraft;

"The beginning is always today."

take care

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Anything is possible, right?

I love the juxtaposition of the words possible and impossible. Maybe because I have a fond memory of the TV show Mission: Impossible. Every time, the mission was accomplished! How brilliant!

Keep that in mind as you go through your week. Nothing is impossible.

Quote of the day from L.P. Jacks;

"The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, the optimist, the opportunity in every difficulty."

Friday, October 30, 2009


This morning there was a little tiger waiting for the school bus by the front door of the building. He was ready to pounce! How fun for this little guy to be dressed up in a tiger suit and on his way to school. And how fun for me to witness that little piece of Halloween happiness first thing in the morning.

Quote from Henry Van Dyke;

Be glad of life because it gives you a chance to love and to play and to look up at the stars."

I'd better go buy some candy for stray tigers wandering around the neighborhood!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


The complexities of the relationships we encounter throughout our lifetimes can be overwhelming. I have complications in several that are puzzling. The calming factor in the perplexity is that I am not alone in this situation. Every person has relationship challenges to attempt to solve, or to let go.

I like to harbor resentment for a time---let those who have offended me suffer ill will in my thoughts for a time. Then I make peace with myself, knowing that karma will bring them few good things for being unkind to me. Is that wicked? Hoping for bad?

Mourning the loss of connection is another challenge. A person wonders whatever happened to the pleasant times in the company of those who are absent from our lives--not dead, of course, that's a whole different loss. But the folks who were once so integral in our lives some times fade away.

My issue has to do with some unrealistic expectations, unkind words, and not being candid with the truth. My friend K told me once, "Why lie when the truth will do?" Another nice woman I know deals with physical & mental challenges by living her motto, "It is what it is."

Deal with it.

Quote from Buddy Hackett;

" Don't carry a grudge, When you're carrying the grudge, the other guy's out dancing."

take care :)

Monday, October 26, 2009


It's 7:15 a.m. and I'm already done with several of my daily duties. The sun isn't above the horizon yet I've been to the airport, walked a mile with the dog, had 2 cups of coffee, ran the dishwasher, first load of laundry in the dryer, second in the dryer, checked email, and am listening to the Today show news as I go about all of this.

Is it better to have early morning light or a later sunset? It's terribly disappointing to me when we set the clocks back and suddenly it's dark at 5:00p.m. But it's also difficult to be enthusiastic in the morning when it's pitch dark! Which do you prefer?

It must be my Scandinavian heritage nudging me toward the light. The time we spent in Norway with the long daylight hours was great. I'm not good with time changes during travel, so when I woke at 4 a.m. in Oslo I went out for a run because it was light outside! (Maybe I'd start running again of it were light early here!) In the evening we'd be out and about til 10:30 or so thinking it was around 8:00p.m. What fun.

Quote of the day from Martha Washington;

" The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our mental disposition and not on our circumstances."

take care!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


What better color is there? A bit blue, a bit purple, just cool and calm.

I need some periwinkle today because the sky is full of fog, the trees are nearly all brown ,with a few rich spots of color left.

To add to my dismay, Patrick is packing for NY. He'll be conducting business in my favorite part of Manhattan--midtown. I'm dying to go with him.

So for the next few days I'll be pouting (oh! a good "P" word!) about missing a chance to be in Manhattan. A couple of years ago I was with my Aunt in Manhattan while she worked during the day, I ran all around the city having the most fun ever! Then we attended Broadway shows in the evening. What fun.

Quote of the day from Emory Austin;

" Be cheerful even when you don't feel like it."

Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyway.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


This entry is not about pelicans.

It's a bird and a word that begins with "p."

My real concern of the day is outerwear. Previously I have stated that wearing the right outfit can make a profound difference in the day. I am beginning to doubt my words.

Today I've been outdoors with the dog twice, in the cold misty rain. This afternoon I concluded that no amount of Lands End outerwear is going to make me feel comfortable in this damp weather. The layered fleece with water repellent is too hot, the rain slicker is too chilly. My new hat looks and feels marvelous. This problem leaves me choosing the outfit for the day in layers. Tee or turtle, vest or pullover, jeans or cords, footies or knee-highs, etc.

Who knew that moving into the heart of the city would force me into a lumberjack look? Perhaps I should look at the L.L.Bean catalog more seriously. Plaid is cute, right?

Quote of the day from Frank Lloyd Wright;

" If you wisely invest in beauty, it will remain with you all the days of your life."

take good care.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

probable prickles

Yes, prickles, not pickles. We will be eating some pickles today, but first we may get our fingers pricked by cactus. The activity for this beautiful Sunday in sunny Mesa is creating a cactus garden. Aly is going to make one and we'll do one for G&G's deck as well. We saw some nice chunky barrel cacti today at the swap meet but they were a bit too big. I'd prefer starting small with this new project.

When we walked through the Botanical Gardens last February we saw such a wide variety of cacti and desert plants that were lush and beautiful. I would love to try and create something vast and fantastic, but will settle for small and cute.

I've been told one uses kitchen tongs to plant cactus--large or small. I hope mother doesn't mind when her tongs go missing!

Quote of the day from Gary Zukav;

"We have much to do together. Let us do it in wisdom, love and joy. Let us make this the human experience."

take care.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

peacoat perhaps

It's kind of fun to dress for the cooler weather. My usual morning routine is throwing on some casual clothes for dog walking. I do want to be somewhat put together because of the public nature of the building's main floor, and be weather-wise as well. All summer I've needed to choose tops and bottoms according to the temperature, plus shoes, shades and maybe a hat depending on my bed head hair. Today it was so easy because I knew I'd have to wear a jacket and gloves---no "outfit" required!

Tomorrow I might just go in my pajama top,sweats and jacket! I love my Lands End collection of jackets. I almost donated my green all-weather jacket last week during junkapalooza. Good thing I didn't because it was perfect for the 43 degree weather this AM.

Quote from "Warning" written by Jenny Joseph:

"When I am an old woman...I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter."


Thursday, September 24, 2009

powerful palette

There was a sample of every shade of orange this morning in the east as the sun rose. As many of you know my bedroom window faces east (as well as the living area, and master bath), and I love to keep the shade up to enjoy the night sky and the early morning light. It was spectacular! The color was so intense it seemed unnatural, yet there is was---on the horizon.

I've pondered some works of art that are colorful and thought it must be artistic license that allows a landscape to be so saturated with color. And photographs, with all the technology to alter the image, are often dismissed as "photoshopped."

The universe reminded me about how immense and wonderful it is, and how 10 minutes at sunrise can be inspirational.

Quote from Robert Browning;

"If you get simple beauty and nought else, You get the about the best thing God invents,"

take care

Sunday, September 20, 2009

plotting a path

Little by little, year after year, very subtly, Patrick has tried to coax me into a sports-centric life. We have enjoyed pro, semi-pro and college games together, and have had tickets to some great events. It's been great fun, however I am puzzled at how I became this unlikely sporting event attendee. I am curious as to how many events we have attended over the years, and then triple or quadruple that number for Patrick's sports attendance.

Is there something to which I could be so dedicated? What kind of entertainment budget division should there be for spouses and different tickets for different venues of entertainment?

My lack of enthusiasm was clear the other night when Patrick asked me if I wanted to go to the Notre Dame game with him. Another ticket became available and his friends offered it up. Now, remembering that one of my favorite movies is "Rudy," I had no desire to go to Indiana. It could also be that the friends he's going with have no attraction for me. For whatever reason, it is clear that I am not a sports fan.

Is that a bad thing?

Quote from Florence Shinn;

"The game of life is the game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, words, and deeds return to us-sooner or later-with astounding accuracy."

take care

Thursday, September 17, 2009


My friend Mary sums it up in one word--junkapalooza. She was referring to an acquaintance of ours and some business venture, but it clearly defines my work right now.

I have to reduce the amount of items in the storage area we own in the basement of our building. The reason I need to do this is because I spilled items over into the next locker. The management company did a little inventory and is making all the rule breakers clean it up and out by October 15. Hence my work now, because I'll be gone for much of next month.

I'm planning on a nice big donation to St. Vincent's and a nice big bin of things for Aly to go through when she comes home for Christmas.

Viva Junkapalooza!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I'm really curious as to how many miles I've walked today.

The dog and I walked all around the neighborhood this afternoon, west of our building. I like looking at the old houses. I wonder about who lived in them, about the extended families that shared the the large homes. Then there's the Turnblad shack---aka Swedish Institute---that is utterly fascinating. How must it have been to live in those places in the early 1900's? And watch the construction of the building I live in!

Yesterday I heard someone on the street by the hotel ask their friend if the Midtown building was still a warehouse! Kind of...we're a little "warehoused" in here!

In addition to walking outdoors in this fantastic weather, I've been down to the storage area 3 times today dealing with my overflow of stuff. Back and forth, back and forth with wagon loads of items to deal with.

That's one of the reasons I'm blogging right now. A good excuse to ignore the pile of crap in my living area!

Time to eat the frog. (k!)

Quote of the day, a Finnish proverb;

" Happiness is a place between too little and too much."

I may have posted that one before, it's one of my favorites.

Monday, September 14, 2009

preposterous price

Even though we live in a loft with limited square footage, we need more furniture. It's a matter of seating---where to put visitor's behinds! Pulling up a dining chair didn't work, often someone would end up sitting on the little footstool. A new chair, or pair, was a needed addition to the living area. Patrick and I went shopping and found a pair that will work very well---I hope-- in our little seating area.

Our search for a nice, comfortable, smallish chair was a "death march" like my husband would say. The styles, fabric and size of chairs were very limited in the big box stores. Most chairs were big. Very big with a big ottoman. Nicer sizes and choices at Macy's. However the prices were big. Very big. I had to look twice at a price tag on a chair that said $6750. I can't understand what constitutes that high price. Unless it tones, tightens and rids your backside of cellulite while you are seated. Perhaps I should have inquired.

Quote of the day from Washington Irving;

"A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles."

Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

pesky papers

By george I think I've got it!

The office/computer area has been rearranged to allow access to all the necessary implements yet is hidden from constant view. The paper I need to get my hands on is neatly arranged, and my "stacks" of items I need to keep are tucked away in the drawer!

The open living in a loft is fantastic if you are very meticulous about the clutter. My neighbor's loft is so "together." Mine feels a bit "apart!" I like my little decorative items and it has been hard for me to give up my collections. However it makes the environment very busy. Everywhere the eyes travel there is something ---especially when there are lots of bookshelves like in our place. Busy. It's very busy.

The computer camouflage has made the living area calmer. I'm pleased that I had some help from Patrick before he left on his Louisville flight. Thanks honey! Now the only thing left is to get another piece of furniture for the living room.

And I have some Aly art from her show this summer to hang on the wall. I'd better get the ladder!

Quote of the day from Louise Heath Leber;

" There's always room for improvement - it's the biggest rom in the house."

ave a good week.

Monday, August 31, 2009

pretty princess

Trying on wedding gowns at the big bridal store was like dressing up a barbie doll! Johanna was the doll and she tried on lots and lots of white dresses. Interestingly, the quantity of stylish gowns and quality of fabrics and construction left us feeling disappointed. We had a much better experience at a small boutique.

Quote of the day from Yves Saint Laurent;

"Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it."

have a good week!

Friday, August 28, 2009

paper page print

All week my horoscope has been predicting lots and lots of creative energy for me. Where did the energy go? I have all sorts of paper and ink on my table and I've only been able to do some rudimentary design and construction. The creative wave must have missed my building. I need to clear my table, my mind, and move onto something else!

Quote of the day from Sarah Bernhardt;

"Life engenders life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich."

take care

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

peculiar passion

Not so peculiar I suppose, my penchant for shoes. Comfort and purpose have eclipsed fashion in recent years. But not entirely, for I found an answer to the woeful rainy early morning dog walk in the form of colorful and cute rain boots! It was the perfect morning to wear the Land's End rain boots that are only appropriate on a few spring or fall days here in Minnesota. The proper costume of the day (thank you Edie Beale) weather-wise will be indicated by what shoe will be worn. I'm so very impressed by the form and function of so many "sport" shoe companies whose comfort actually looks good. I feel a shopping trip coming on...

Quote of the day from Katherine Hepburn;

"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun."

thanks to the new Talbots catalog for the quote on the front cover. Talbots catalog is very cute this year. I'm shocked that I like many of the outfits---moi? Talbots? who knew?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The daily weather report and forecast is interesting. Do the meteorologists have a a glint in their eye when they say "keep your umbrellas handy" and "be ready for some wind" or is it just me. I think they have a lot of fun screwing with us. I really needed to walk to the post office today but I will not go in this downpour. Thanks Belinda, this 3 hour long downpour is not "scattered showers" !

Today's quote from an anonymous source;

"Every life has its dark and cheerful hours. Happiness comes from choosing which to remember."

stay dry.

Friday, August 14, 2009

the polish and the pga

Today is the practice round for a lesser known but important golf event, The Polish Open. It is held every year in Wisconsin with the major players being the brothers Sepnieski and others who make the cut by just showing up on time. This is no easy task. The night before the final round, there is a marathon card game and plenty of beer drinking. All a part of the true experience.

On Sunday we have passes for the "real" PGA event held at Hazeltine golf club. You may have heard about it. I find it enjoyable to go to these events and see the pros in person. It somehow makes the hours of golf on our home big screen more interesting after seeing the skill and concentration on the faces of the professional/celebrity golfers.

Quote of the day from Alex Levine;

" Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass the four essential food groups: alcohol. caffeine, sugar and fat."

take care!

Monday, August 10, 2009

pertinent point

Isn't it funny how people are different?

Particularly in how we communicate, the differences are vast. I am amused at how some acquaintances are extremely open in conversations--no subject is off limits! Then there are those who are reluctant to share too much. In that case, I tend to spill over on my side of the conversational scale and wonder later on if I did indeed share too much. Am I the one who is judged as too chatty? At what point do you give up trying to engage in witty repartee?'s like being on a teeter-totter. Do they even make teeter-totters anymore?

Quote from W.H. Auden;

" We are here on earth to do good to others. What the others are here for, I don't know."

Have a good week.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

pedaling proclamation

On Wednesday morning there was joy on the Midtown Greenway. The dog and I were on an average west bound walk, got to the community garden behind Wells Fargo near 35W, and turned around to return home. As we walked eastward a man on a bike, also pedaling east, passed us. He was singing softly, riding no-handed and playing "air drums" as he traveled toward his destination. His joy made me happy. As I watched him disappear into the sunrise, I hoped his happy attitude affected more people.

I needed a little boost because I'm really struggling with the dog's behavior. Before Aly left she bought a new gentle leader collar for Mattie. It has helped, but the dog got out of it one day and made a lunge at someone carrying their dog--in their concern about the crazy barking dog. My time with the dog exiting the building to get outside, then wondering about people and dogs we will encounter outdoors is really stressful.

Quote from Samual Johnson;

"Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but rather a manner of traveling."

have a great week~~

Sunday, August 2, 2009

portions aplenty

I saw many colors and combinations of fruit and Jello on Friday. It was a beautiful yet puzzling display of love and respect at a funeral luncheon for a lovely woman who recently passed away. Does the variety of different colors and vast amounts of food honoring the deceased reflect the feeling of the community?

I say yes.

Jessie was clever woman who, besides being an educator, was mechanically inclined and artistically gifted as well. Always meticulously groomed and well dressed, she was the author and executor of "good things" before Martha made her first cupcake.

My next thought, or question rather, is wondering if it is okay to have a good time at a funeral. I want to say yes! The conversations and connections with people gathered are important for remembering good times. It keeps the memories clear and mindful of details you may have forgotten. I'm glad to have reconnected with old friends and exchanged info for staying in touch on the Internet.

Connections; once tied with a lovely bow, now a simple keystroke, point and click.

Quote from Grandma Moses;

"And life is what we make it, always has been, always will be."

have great day.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


My electronic equipment has it's own agenda. It decides when and where I can access information and/or entertainment. I feel as if I have a general working knowledge of all the components. Yet I am left waiting and receiving negative results when I attempt something. Then try it over and over, hoping for a positive outcome and often the device will suddenly "work." Other times I turn off the power, take the dog outside and mutter about how insane it is to be so dependant pushing the right button.

I left my building today without my access card--the first time since we moved in two years ago. The security desk helped me enter and now I have a lesson learned in remembering.

Quote from Dietrich Bonhoeffer;

"A home is a kingdom of it's own in the midst of a world, a stronghold amid life's strains and struggles."

ta-ta for now

Monday, July 27, 2009

pointless pastels

What is the point of glossing over the details? Taking a bit of leeway in the actual facts? Leaving out some pertinent information?
I call it deception.
Not that I don't expect a bit of temperance. When I ask Pat if I look OK in an outfit, I want him to tell me something positive. " Baby, there can't be enough of you!" he'll often state. God bless that man I was lucky enough to marry.
But when there is something to be said about those near and dear to you, related or not , why not just say it? There is nothing to be gained from withholding news, good or bad. My good friend Kirstin once counseled me, "Why lie when the truth will do?" I have appreciated that bit of advice on more than one occasion.

Quote of the day from Henry David Thoreau;

"It is a gift to be able to paint a particular picture or to carve a statue, and so to make a few objects beautiful; but it is far more glorious to carve and paint the very atmosphere and medium through which we look. To affect the quality of the day-- that is the highest of the arts."

Take good care!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

pacific propensity

A good thing about taking time to shop, bake, cook and prepare great food for a nice family dinner is going out the next night. (Glad you liked the pavlova Vicki!) Aly and I sat down at Tony's sushi bar tonight and watched him create some art we could eat. It's just the best experience to watch him make beautiful edible creations from fresh ingredients.

One of the subjects of our casual conversation during the construction of the nigiri was Aly's departure tomorrow. Tony was impressed that she was making a move west, where the weather is great and you're near something; i.e. California and Vegas! He also added that the nearest ocean to Minnesota is in Duluth! I think he really likes the 101 coast highway.

A quote I read today in Body and Soul magazine;

"Authenticity means acting like the kind of person you most want to be."

take care !

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

pertinent prediction

Sometimes I read my horoscope. The zodiac signs are interesting looking, besides being somewhat ambiguous about the traits, it's just fun to read. I don't think the advice offered is ever bad---it's usually a very general warning to be careful in matters of love or work. Or occasionally a broad enthusiastic nudge to seize the day. Who can't put that into their day and feel just a bit more confidant?

Today's entry was a bit too near to my "orbit."

Emotionally you might be feeling a bit down today, peggy. It could be that you are experiencing betrayal from people whom you thought were on your side. Suddenly they have turned their heads in a different direction, and you are left standing alone. Remember that regardless of how many people are in support of you at this time, you also have a terrific reserve of inner strength from which to draw.

Today's quote, heard on TV's Law and Order last night;

"Rejection is God's protection."

take care!

btw--the pavlova baked beautifully.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


It's an Australian dessert that will make good use of the plentiful berries which are now in season. Even saying and writing name is a delight, p-a-v-l-o-v-a. I will bake the crust on Monday and have it for a family farewell dinner for Miss Aly.

Do people bake anymore? I need to start following some blogs about everyday things and try to get a feel for that sort of homekeeping. The difficulty with baking and homemade things in general is the calorie factor. Pretty soon I've downed 4 cookies before I have even washed the cookie sheets. And the butter! omg---it's just too good.

I walked around Lake Calhoun today with Patrick and we decided to have a little "couples" workout 2 nights a week. Okay, get your minds out of the gutter and focus on the state of the art gym equipment at "our" Sheraton next door. It's a good thing to begin, we'll see how the partnering affects our partnership.

I feel a new blog coming on...peggy and pat's physical philosophy.

Or pensive paradox of pain...

Stay tuned.

Quote from coach Phil Jackson;

"Winning is important to me, but what brings me real joy is the experience of being fully engaged in whatever I am doing."

How's that pat?

Thursday, July 16, 2009


My ode to butter a few weeks ago echoes in the media. The movie about Julia Child, which comes out in August, has a charming preview with the line, "you can never have enough butter."

The newspaper's Taste section today dedicates nearly the entire front page to the flavor and beauty of butter. More importantly, it contains a detailed recipe on how to make your own!


I'm so excited to try it, I need to go to an organic dairy right now!

Quote from Maya Angelou;

"The future was plump with promise."

take care!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


The last two entries to this "blogspot" have been of the complaining sort. I do not have poor service or interactions everyday. Mostly they are very positive and productive.

In fact, just today I had a great experience in a specialty gift store, a friendly and fast lunch waitress, a very quick and polite barista making me an iced latte, and actual help at Michael's craft store. Yes, a real person asked me if I needed help and she helped me find the right sized paper item! It's a miracle! Some of you know what a horrific experience can be had at a craft or fabric store.

That doesn't mean I'm over being treated badly. It happens. And you know who you are.

Quote from a church sign;

" Life is a measure to be filled, not a cup to be drained."

Be kind.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

positively polite

What is the polite way to express what you need--and get it without attitude (or overly gratuitous empty words).

There are few times where I feel like a wanted and needed customer. My interaction with service industry folks typically begin on a positive note. Yet more often than not, it ends up an unsatisfactory conclusion. Not so much that I don't get what I need, but the debate and the near arm wrestling that occurs leaves me cold.

One ticket exchange comes to mind, where just a few words would have diffused the whole situation. Lisa and I have Mn Orchestra tickets for a series of concerts. These tickets were purchased separately and at every event we would get in the will call line and exchange them for a pair seated together. With no charge. At the last event we did the same thing, only to be told that there is a fee for any ticket exchange. I explained about the prior free exchanges and the manager insisted there has always been a fee, and if we wanted seats together we'd have to pay. Back and forth, back and forth, only to finally find out there is no fee if you "downgrade" your ticket. Which had been the case in our prior exchanges. And it had only been a matter of two of three rows nearer the orchestra--which is what we prefer!

We left the ticket area with a new pair of tickets, but feeling incredulous about how a simple sentence would have saved everyone time and frustration!

"I can exchange these tickets for ones in area B for no fee, or in area A for $10."

Done deal. Everybody is happy.


The words we choose to say--or NOT say-- are powerful. It really does matter in our daily lives. Choose the words that will create calm happiness and goodness all around.

Quote from Marie Curie;

"Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and ...confidence in ourselves."

Speak well.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

positive pedestrian

Do you ever ponder the everyday occurrences that seem inconsequential? The cashier who is competent, the waiter who is knowledgeable, the pedestrian for whom you yield, the person who waves you into merging traffic, the kind reception desk person at an office or medical building, the list goes on.

All of these people go unnoticed unless you perceive being treated badly. Depending on the offense, that interaction will cloud your whole day, or even cause you to make a phone call or write a letter to express your displeasure.

I have made it a point to be friendly to the people working in stores and in my walks around the neighborhood. My positive attitude and "hello" to the different folks I encounter makes me feel happy. I sometimes wonder if my greeting to the fellow in droopy clothes and paper bag in hand is the only friendly greeting he receives all day. The scooter lady who always asks if I have run into any trouble on the Greenway, the Somalis who most often do not return a friendly hello, the dog walkers who wonder why I have such a loud barking shaggy dog, the biker patrols who sweep up broken glass, the trash pickers and graffiti cleaners---all these folks interact with others. If they've had a good encounter with you, most likely they'll pass it on.

Just a smile or nice comment can make our interactions positive.

It can make all difference!

Get caught up in being positive!

Quote from Jesus;

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

now go out there and make someone happy!

Monday, July 6, 2009

perfectly prolific potatoes

Potatoes---as in salad. But I didn't want to pollute the alliteration.

I had a lovely stay at my Aunt and Uncle's cabin near Alexandria over the 4th of July weekend. Part of my addition to the collective food effort was making the potato salad. The only reason I am trusted do this is because after 20 years of trying, I finally have it down. The secret is...using no recipe. You have to have a feel for how much of each ingredient goes into the big bowl. And I suppose you have to live with my mother and witness her create it for years and basically learn through osmosis.

The humorous part of this food tale comes in the reference to the Biblical "loaves and fishes" story. The salad came out at every meal, enjoyed and requested I might add, and the bowl did not become empty until Sunday noon! Lisa and I mentioned it on Saturday night and Patrick joked about it on Sunday---"the 4th of July miracle!"

It's good to be living in America. There is no cruise or multi-star resort that can compare to a perfect 4th of July weekend. Grilling in the drive way, a garage fridge full of beer from New Ulm, floaties with slow leaks, sparklers, playing shark attack, boat rides, purchasing cool fireworks from a big tent with disturbingly enthusiastic salespeople, tee-shirts from Wal-Mart, waving from the red white and blue decked out boat in the parade, making ice cream and lighting up little tanks that go BOOM! (and burn the hair off Patrick's ankles.) Impossible to surpass.

Quote from Henry James;

"Summer afternoon---summer afternoon... the two most beautiful words in the English language."

take care.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

pots and pans

In the pursuit of cooking, one creates fabulous delicious dishes and a boat load of dirty dishes. The dishwasher is a wonderful appliance but I've noticed some damage to the finish of some glassware and pans. I just made a big vat of potato salad for the 4th of July weekend and am amazed at how much effort it takes to create homemade food.

Now, I love making food for my nearest and dearest, and there is no deli salad that can come close to the ones I create, but wowser! How many pieces of my kitchen gear have to be utilized and washed at the end of the session! whew! And how many new items from Sur la Table appeal to me and my creative cooking? Dreams only to be dashed by the reality of my limited kitchen storage space. Woe is me.

Am I hearkening back to my former blog ranting about cleaning?

I believe it will be the thread of continuity through my written posts.

Be patient, I may get over it one day.

Quote from Dorothy Parker:

"Take care of the luxuries and the necessities will take care of themselves."

That's what I'm talking about!

stay safe.

Monday, June 29, 2009


There are many things to do. So many different subjects pique my interest. How does one decide which?

From dozens of handmade creations--art and food-- to reading and studying different subjects and authors, to outdoor activities, to volunteering and philanthropic pursuits (my secret passion---if only I had millions!), to travel, to entertainment. The list goes on and on.

I've been feeling rushed about getting my reading done. The fatigue I feel in my left eye continually reminds me of the time limit there may be on my ability to read. As well as my artistic ideas. Tick-tock tick-tock.

Who said "there's no time like the present"?

Quote from Robert Bresson, French film director;

Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.

make something happen today!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

paltry picnic

I'm trying to pull together some sort of lunch to take somewhere. Patrick wants to be outside. It is a lovely day to do so, but I do not have the supplies on hand for a picnic. Yet another reason I love living in the Midtown building---instant picnic! Or sushi like last night when we took the elevator downstairs to see the most talented sushi chef in the Twin Cities, Tony. So very convenient.

Another menu subject is what to plan for the weekend of the 4th. We'll be going to Schaffran's Resort on the beautiful shores of Lake Latoka (a.k.a. Uncle and Aunt's cabin). The summer grill options are endless with possibilities especially when there is a group involved. Lisa and Karla, should we try grilling peaches? That would go nicely with the homemade ice cream!

Quote from Lucy Maud Montgomery;

I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens, but just those days that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string.

Have a wonderfully ordinary day.

Friday, June 26, 2009

potent popularity

Wow. Can you believe how much media coverage there has been on the recent deaths of famous people? On the Today show this morning Al Roker had a saying about death that I can't get out of my mind. He commented, "it's like the old saying--the elderly, the sick, and the sudden--and we've had one of each this week."
Twin Cities reporters recounted the last concert Michael Jackson performed here. It was in 1988 at the old Metropolitan Stadium. Interestingly, since I'm hardly the first in line for big star events, I was there! In fact, my sister Janet and I took our children, Nicholas and Johanna to their first concert. Who knew that would be the last performance here before his death.

Quote from Emory Austin;

Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyway.

take care!

Monday, June 22, 2009

poignant position

On Sunday there was a shift in perception of my extended family. I was seated in the very back row (actually usher seats) of St. Francis Catholic Church in Winthrop participating in the first mass led by my cousin Ben. There, from that position with my Dad's white-haired noggin rising above the crowd, I realized my aunts and uncles are now the "elders" of the family and I'm a "middle." No longer a grandchild, but a niece, and part of a larger cousin group that will slowly be diluted as our own families grow and move away. However, the tie to these aunts and uncles will not fail. They remain constant and connected to their siblings children. It is quite amazing to get that spark of recognition and excitement from them during conversations. You know these are people who have witnessed your entire existence.

How wonderful to observe these stalwart Norwegian Lutherans brought to tears with love and pride for little Ben. Oops, I mean all grown-up Ben, Fr. R. Benjamin Osborne.

How wonderful also, to have all these built in friends--my cousins--who are infinitely interesting and so very good-looking! I am thankful to the elders on this family trait!

Good job Oliver and Hazel.

Quote from Anne Ortlund;

To feel loved, to belong, to have a place and to here one's worth and dignity often affirmed--these are to the soul what food is to the body.

take care~

Saturday, June 20, 2009

pensive patrol

Large gatherings are a challenge to host. I am poor at encouraging social mingling. That's why most of our parties are doused with alcohol--the social lubricant!

The social butterfly escape eludes me. The host who can flit from one guest to another and manage party socializing with ease is what I aspire to be. I tend to get stuck with a guest who is genuinely happy to be at my event, yet regales me with stories of people in their lives of whom I don't--or barely-- know. I feel my eyes glazing over and my posture drooping and my mind racing to find the escape route. And truly, I do want everyone to have a great time at my parties and I am interested in their lives. However I am concerned about the food, the beverages, the recycling, the door, the elevator, the people I haven't spoken with yet, the time, the dishes, the husband, etc.

Perhaps I need to go out more often. Anyone want to go out into the world with me?

Quote from H.W. Sylvester:

Joy comes not to him who seeks it for himself, but to him who seeks it for other people.

take care...

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I have quite a collection of pendants. From way back when I bought a nail cross necklace at vacation bible school, to the jewelry buyer days when I was in retail, to today when I so enjoy beading and creating my own. I have two overloaded necklace holders in my room, and a bin of fabulous beads and such that are screaming to be strung. I may have to begin wearing a necklace a day and see how many weeks I could go without a repeat!

That's my preview/trailer for my new blog---" Peggy Poses Pretty Pendants"

Would you still read?

Quote I believe from Coco Chanel....

The ability to accessorize is what separates us from the animals.

ta-ta for now...

Monday, June 15, 2009


Today is retina day. I will be seeing the retina specialist for a check on the "good" eye and a look at the post surgery eye. I'm still having some headache pain on that side of my head. I am eager to find out if it's normal, and to continue taking Advil two or three times a day, or if I need to change my glasses prescription. I can't wait to get my eyes dilated---it's so fun! Not really...

I have lots to post on my blog regarding the graduation party.

Stay tuned.

Friday, May 29, 2009

poetic purpose

It feels like my main purpose in life for the past few months has been cleaning. Cleaning houses and all the flotsam and jetsam that comes along with it. Since closing up the AZ house in April, it has been non-stop organizing and cleaning for me. Assisting Mom with her surgery and recovery, preparing our place for Aly's return, moving our furniture around for the new wall mount TV, moving Aly out of her U of M apartment, storing her things for eventual moving from the condo, and preparing for the graduation party and out of town guests has left me with dishpan hands and a loathing of the work.

The cleaning. The packing. The organizing. It's so important, yet so mind numbing! I just might leap off the dock at the park in my desperation. And that Powderhorn Park water is toxic!

I do wish I had something new and exciting to talk about. My life is all about tidying up.

To quote Miss Daisy as she entered her daughter-in -laws Christmas party;

"I hope I don't spit up."

take care and keep it clean!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

pointless pajamas

Being comfortable makes for a good nights sleep. Usually. I seemed quite happy in my newest set of cropped pant and short sleeved cotton jammies last night, until my arms were chilly. Cover up with a light blanket, then my legs were too hot. Uncover them, keep my arms covered, and go back to sleep. Or so I thought. Midnight, one o'clock, two o'clock and lots of covering and uncovering. Sigh.

One entire drawer of my dresser is full of pajamas. Which set will help me go to sleep? Tonight I will try another pair and hope for the best.

I think many people have a whole drawer of jammies. There are the favorites which can't be donated because they are nearly worn out---and actually, when are pajamas really worn out? They seem to get better with every wash. The new ones that aren't quite into the rotation, and the impractical. Who sleeps in a slip-type gown besides actors? Talk about your cold arms!

Even though I've been sifting through my clothes for weeks, I still feel I have too much. Too much that does not go together, or feel right like the right size. How much is enough? Too little? And the shoe issue---ouch! If there is a shoe that only goes with one outfit, is it worthy to remain in my limited space? Let me just say YES! and that goes for handbags as well.

I'm keeping all my stuff.

Quote from Bette Midler;

"There comes a time when you have to let your clothes go out into the world and try to make it on their own."

Okay, maybe I'll take another look...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

positive paradox

My glass is half full. The only way to describe how I feel about the absurdities of life is positive. I was making a list in my head last night about the challenges I face daily, ones I've overcome and the many that lie ahead and I remain optimistic. I'm not saying I haven't rolled over a few times and pulled the covers up over my head, but overall life is good. Has anyone read the Wayne Dyer book(s) about the power of intention? I have not. I want to think that my attitude is that of good intention --- wait, isn't that what the road to hell is paved with?

Really now, I am quite sure the preview paragraph I read defines my reaction. Yeah, duh!

Quote from Hugh Downs;

A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.

take care!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

propensity prevails

Why is butter, real butter, straight from the farm, full on dairy butter so bad for you? It tastes so good, makes cooking delightful, and can't be surpassed in baking. How such a wonderful substance can be so inherently bad for a person is beyond me.

Quote from Bertolt Brecht;

Do not fear death so much, but rather the inadequate life.

And I might add that a life without butter is no life at all.

love to you~~~~

Monday, May 4, 2009

packing protocol

I'm packing again.

After being home for not quite 24 hours I am packing a bag with my belongings for a few more care giving days with Mother. Janet stayed with them last night and reported that all is well. Mom seems a bit impatient to just get this "belly" issue over! My care giving skills now include knowing how to pack an open wound. She was a good patient to use as my first attempt! I'm glad she was a good sport about it, better to be home dealing with your family handling your health care needs, than sitting in the hospital where there is more opportunity for infection.

Tomorrow I will accompany Mom and Dad to Rochester for Mom's post op appointment and suturing, as well as Dad's ortho appointment for his shoulder.

I have a ton of work to do for Aly's graduation. We need to print announcements, plan the art show, frame the art work, make the guest list, plan the menu, organize the dinner party, coordinate the overnights...whew...I do hope all can be accomplished.

Quote from Princess Leia;

Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.

Seriously. I need help!

Quote from psychotherapist Adele Brookman;

Use your imagination not to scare yourself to death but to inspire yourself to life!

take good care.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

preoccupied prep

I am packing again. Just after dumping the sand from Mexico out of my bag, I was on my way to Morris. By the way, there is no swine flu as far as Patrick and myself are concerned. We escaped the plague. Spending a few hours in Morris with Aly was nice. Her spring production of "Jack and the Beanstalk was cute. We watched it with a theater full of elementary school children.

And now I'm packing for a few days in LaSalle to care for Mother while she recuperates from surgery. I've got some chicken soup simmering on the stove, tuna salad cooling on the fridge, and cookie dough in the mixing bowl waiting to be packed for the trip.

Starve a cold, feed a, ummm...anyone who wants to eat!

Anonymous Quote;

Get great at the wait. Be patient - the ability to persevere is what separates the whiners from winners.

take care!

Monday, April 20, 2009


I cannot decide which to blog about; vacation or engagement. Both are exciting to think about, both have expectations, and both are on my immediate agenda.

Last Friday night Mike proposed to Hanna. It took place on the rooftop of our building and Patrick and I were there to celebrate the news. She was totally surprised, accepted his offer (!) and received a big ol' sparkler for her left hand. I'm now calling her "B" for bride. Perhaps I should begin to call Mike "G".

Wednesday we leave for a vacation (Katun Pres. Club trip) to Mexico. We will be on the east side of the country at a resort just south of Cancun. I've never been to the Caribbean Sea side of Mexico before and look forward to our arrival. I should really be a bit more prepared, but we only have two dinner events where nice clothing is called for, and the rest of the time we'll be in our swimsuits! Plus, it's not like we're hiking through Macchu Pichu, --there will be plenty of shopping!

Quote from Henry David Thoreau;

Live in each season as it passes, breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit.

Be happy!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

presentable pajamas

I love wearing pajamas. It's so comfortable and freeing knowing the next stop is bed! And the delight of having a "jammie" day is much fun during the holidays or other event. However, the practice of wearing pajamas for everyday wear has got to stop! Unless you are a college student wearing jammie pants cause it's the last thing you have clean, it must stop!

Quote from Johan Wolfgang von Goethe;

One cannot develop taste from what is of average quality, but only from the very best.

take care and dress well!

Monday, April 13, 2009

partial passenger

One way to Arizona via NW and Skywest, both operated by Delta, got me safely to Phoenix last Wednesday. By Friday noon, I was behind the wheel of the Toyota leaving Mesa with Mom and Dad. The decision was made to return to Minnesota to deal with Mother's malady. She is feeling OK and made the trip with no problem.

Driving north out of Mesa was a beautiful journey! Such beauty in the desert as it turns into mountainous terrain. The craggy rocks and variety of cactus growing was fasinating! As we made our way east into NM, the winds picked up, the sun was setting and the landscape was beautifully lit up. The dust from the wind was piled up like sand near the door to a store I was entering---the color was a deep terra cotta.

Two time zones later and back in my condo I'm tired and need to do some laundry. It's fun to be gone, but better to be home.

Quote for the day from Daniel L. Reardon;

In the long run the pessimist may be proved right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip.

have a great day!

Friday, April 3, 2009

prolonged patience

My struggle for clear vision continues to mystify not only me but the optical people who are trying to help. I am on my third pair of glasses and continue to struggle with the correction and fit. I have the right prescription however the size and shape of the lens within the frame that will sharpen both near and far acuity has been more than challenging. I am optimistic about the most recent visit where I was assisted by a smart young woman who picked out the right frames for my correction and will hopefully fit my face without causing pressure on my noggin! Sadly, the fun frames do not suit my Rx. So if there is a fun part of wearing glasses that too eludes my grasp. At this point, anything will be better that the chipped pair I've been wearing since January!

I'll be wearing some squarish, dull brown glasses next time you see me. sigh.

Perhaps I need a new pair of shoes in a super fun color to cheer me up!

And did you know there are improved lens for glasses that are new to the U.S. but have been in use in Europe for years? They are very expensive now--they said around $700--but in a few years will be more affordable. sigh, sigh.

On a happier note, I enjoyed the finale of ER last night. I especially liked the bride and mother-in-law scene! We had a little Mexican fiesta buffet for dinner and the tamales steamed in the oven turned out great!

Quote from Shirdi Sai Baba, Indian saint,

Before you speak, ask yourself: Is is kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence?

take care!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

pretty pearls

For several years I have been playing with beads. The colors, shapes, and infinite number of possible configurations for earrings and necklaces has made me very happy. And overloaded with accessories. I pulled the pieces that I wasn't too fond of anymore, disassembled and divided the beads and hardware to save and be made into new creations. It's a nice hobby to share with all my girls, both relatives and friends. In fact, just last night Hanna made a necklace after we returned from Jade. How easy is that? Perhaps I need to leave the whole inventory splayed out on the dining room table for a few weeks!

Now, to the quote. I read with interest about the recent death of poet Sylvia Plath's son, Nicholas Hughes, a suicide at age 47. In the article his father, Ted Hughes, also a poet, wrote to him 2 decades ago:

The only calibration that counts is how much heart people invest, how much they ignore their fears of being hurt or caught out or humiliated. And the only thing people regret is that they didn't live boldly enough, that they didn't invest enough heart, didn't love enough. Nothing else really counts at all.

take care, go out and put your whole heart into what ever you do next!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

preliminary prognosis

Girls Weekend in the City started out great! All our schedules were coming together with the help of spouses and grandparents. The plans we had were made even better with tickets obtained free of charge, and to top it off, the weather forecast was a springtime dream!

Then the nightmare began.

A stomach virus worked it's way into our plans and took us out. First Karla, then Lisa, and Jan and I are still OK, but fearful of what may occur. Still, even with the interruption, our time together was good and a reminder of our strong connection and commitment to one another.

Girl power!

We're considering a train trip to Chicago for next winter's GW.

Quote from French Poet Jacques Delille;

Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends.

lucky me, fate gave me phenomenal friends.

Monday, March 16, 2009

paint big or go home

Big. We're painting big. The backdrop for the spring production is big. The idea Aly had for this backdrop is big as well. She tends to have ideas that are quite detailed, and much to my relief, has decided that subtle will work better in this particular application. However I did paint thousands of blades of grass today! (they are subtle!)The giant backdrop canvas is on a pulley system that makes it much easier to go from sky to mountain to grass. It really needs to be electric is difficult hoisting the canvas up---it takes both of us to pull and lock it down at the right level.

Quote of the day from Maurice Sendak, regarding his friend Theodor "Dr. Seuss" Geisel;

There was certainly nothing bland, cookie cutter, or trendy about Ted Geisel. These works abound in nuttiness, political incorrectness, and lots and lots of cats!

take care, and don't be bland!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Miss Pettigrew

I just finished watching a movie with Aly. "Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day," was a cute story where happy endings are guaranteed by five minutes into the movie. Once in a while it's good to not be challenged by a drama, or entertained by a thriller (or grossed out by a horror). Just tell me a story and let me relax!

I'm staying with Aly for a few days in her on campus apartment to assist her with some backdrop painting for the spring production. Priming and preliminary blocking is on the schedule for tomorrow.

Quote of the day from Peggy A .Olson;

Just tell me a story and let me relax!

ha-ha, take care!

Monday, March 9, 2009

pondering the perplexity of choice

Tell me about how to choose. My days, as well as everyone else's are filled with choice. Are we actually choosing? Or do our prior thoughts and internal decisions make that choice before we actually verbalize the decision?

Set the alarm, get out of bed, go to work, take care of yourself and family, shopping to fulfill needs, think, clean, breathe, exercise, tend to mail, respond to bills, write to those we love, and be a part of society. Then there is the partner...

I happily share my life with a partner who declares total commitment. I love that choice. He adores his wife! Lucky me. However, it can be somewhat hard to convince each other in cooperative choices having to do with our life together. I have different tastes in areas where he has no interest, as well as me having no interest in much of his likes and dislikes. When do the choices become mine or his? Or forced because of family obligation?

Quote of the day from Gloria Steinem;

Once we give up searching for approval, we often find it easier to earn respect.

take care~~~

Saturday, March 7, 2009

no pits please

Pat the pie man is going to create his famous pie crust for me today. In that nice, lightly browned pastry, I will place freshly cooked lemon (from hand-picked Arizona lemons) pie filling and attempt meringue. I do hope I am worthy of the challenge. Perhaps Lisa can assist in the making of this delight! I predict squeezing the lemons will be the most important part of the process!

Prior to that science experiment, she and I will do the market for lunch, then drive over to the James J. Hill House historic site. I'm so glad she gets me out of the house.

Quote of the day from John Wooden;

Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.

good day!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

preposterous popculture

I am a big fan of Saturday Night Live. The show started in the 70's when I spent many Saturday nights babysitting. Those were the pre-cable days (gasp!) when the only TV choices were 3 networks and a couple of local affiliates. I was an accidental watcher, trying to figure out if "samurai warrior" was funny, and soon a dedicated fan. Granted, the show has been less than funny on many occasions, but I will remain a fan for as long the show is broadcast. A highlight of last years trip to NYC was a tour of NBC and seeing the studio.

Fast forward to 2009 and my new favorite irreverent SNL short film. "I'm On a Boat" is funny and the most popular music video downloaded from Apple to ipod. If you care to watch, be warned there is strong language. If you are not offended by that sort of thing, and have an open mind about how silly it is, you will like the music video. The humor for me comes in how the song and actors are making such a big deal about being on a boat. Reminds me of how folks cruising Lake Minnetonka on big boats think very highly of them selves and are thinking---"hey look at me! I'm on a big boat and you are not!"

After all, it's just a boat.

Quote from Earl Mac Rauch;

Remember, no matter where you go, there you are.

Even on a boat. :)

take care!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

pueblo papaya

I have returned from the Valley of the Sun. Upon exiting the cab from the airport I was hit with sub zero winds blowing with great force off our building. sigh...

I am happy to have had a respite in the desert during it's lush growing season. The citrus trees, both groves and yard ornamentals, looked decked out for a holiday with all the beautiful round fruit hanging heavy on every branch.

One of the activities my snowbird parents practice on a nearly everyday schedule is visiting a market. One market in particular was a ramshackle building filled with bins and bins of all sorts of produce. Much of the stock was from Mexico. The prices were incredibly reasonable and the people shopping there were as varied as the prolific produce!

Patrick had his fun with little brother Steve---golfing, drinking beer, eating, golfing, etc...

We hoped to get to the movie theater prior to the Academy Awards but failed. Mom and I watched the show on Sunday night. I do hope to get to the movies soon---the big screen is so much better than a DVD at home.

I logged in quite a few afternoons at the pool. There's nothing like relaxing in a lounge chair, poolside, squinting up at the silhouette of palm trees. Only thing missing at the active senior living pool was an extra large pina colada with an umbrella! (no food or beverages allowed except under the cabana at the tables!)

Quote of the day;

Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.

-Robert Bresson, French film director

happy wednesday!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

pondering packing...

Again, I don't know how she does it.

During my one woman fashion show to determine what will go to AZ with me, the hand-me-down linen dress from Kirstin is the perfect one. How does she do it? Such perfect taste in everything. Even though the dress is five years old, purchased on a weekend girls' getaway, it is the most flattering thing I have in my closet. And not even mine originally! Good thing I encouraged her to purchase it back then.

My suitcase holds evidence of my most recent ailment. It proves that I am indeed suffering from cabin fever. I have folded and packed enough clothes, complete with the perfect accessories and coordinating shoes, for the entire two weeks. And this vacation is being spent in a place where not only did I design the guest room, but have two drawers and 1/2 a closet full of seasonal garments! What is the matter with me?

Fortunately I have the luxury of contemplating that question in 70 degree weather wearing the most flattering items from my wardrobe. And this thought makes me happy.

Quote from Katherine Mansfield;

Risk! Risk anything!
Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices.
Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for
yourself. Face the truth.

take care.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

valentine heart

My quote today is about your true heart---not the glittery red,pink and fancy ones all over town, but your own trueness deep inside. Is trueness a word? If not, it should be. Anyway, my quote is actually a prayer I want to share.

Written by Eve Kiley;

Give me a kind heart that will endure,
One that's strong and secure.
To help someone along the way,
May this be my goal everyday.
Let me lend a helping hand
To someone whose life has not gone as planned.
Reaching out to one in need,
May this be my daily good deed,
To provide a guiding light
For someone lost in the dark of night,
Let me take time to care
For someone experiencing despair,
Whatever I do, everywhere I go,
Your will, dear Lord, let me know.

Now don't get me wrong, I love the paper pagentry of love and romance that Valentine's Day brings every February 14th. I even sent a few homemade cards this year. I just want the feeling to flow over into our daily lives. Can I hear an Amen?

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

today's quote

from Tom Stoppard, The Real Thing

It's no trick loving someone at their best. Love is loving them at their worst.

for now,


to bake or not to bake...

I like cookies.

It's fun to bake.

Why do they have to be so bad for my body? heavy sigh...

There's a recipe from my mom called "Delicious Cookies." True to their name, they are indeed delici-o-so. Whenever I make them for a little gift, the recipient will often tell me they were the best cookies they've ever tasted. I don't remember where the recipe originated. It was perhaps from Mindi's mom Judy, or from the ever impressive Beverly Jean. I'll need to consult with Mother about the origin.

Does your body ache for chocolate? Sometimes I literally ache for a piece or five of Hershey's. The specialty gourmet chocolate is nice, however it feels and tastes too delicate. I love a nice piece of Hershey's chocolate with almonds. It has some body to it, not melted away in 3 seconds. Yum-o-rama.

Perhaps I'm just too swayed with the chocolate season the retailers call Valentines. Everywhere you look there are flowers and chocolate. Even in my market downstairs there's velvety brown ecstasy in full bloom. Also spotted in the Midtown Market-- wooden roses. popular with the snowbird crowd I'm told by Lisa. :)

I will try to control my shocolate urge by imagining how many minutes I'll need to add to my workout routine for every bite of hefty Hershey's. sigh...

worth it maybe?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

there's a bathroon on the right

I was trying to find a song to download to my ipod today and enlisted the help of my daughters. It was a song that I had to "da da da de daaahhh" because I didn't know the lyrics. Which reminded me of a calendar Hanna had one year featuring "mis-heard" lyrics. So funny! As to the title of this blog entry, you all know it's the misheard version of "there's a bad moon on the rise."
My girl's assisted me in my search and the "da da da" song was Sir MixaLot's "Jump On It." However I liked Sugarhill Gang's version of it better and downloaded that instead.

My play list is a compilation of varied artists that will require another blog entry or two.

FOUND! New pizza place---Black Sheep Pizza on N Washington Ave, just west of JD Hoyt's. Superfantastic!

Today's quote taken from what I read on a random sticker;

Sometimes I like to run around in my underoos for no reason.

Yahoo! It's Saturday---I think I'll go run around in my sweatpants for no reason, and sing Jump On It really loud.

(now I've truly freaked out my children)

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I am a pixie!

Today I drove myself (!) to the hair salon where my stylist Farrah makes her magic. She created a "carefree" style for me that resembles something between Rhianna and Suze Orman.


No, really, it's super cute!

It was so fun to drive to Edina on a somewhat lovely winter day and get a new hairstyle. My eyesight has improved to nearly what it was before the incident and the surgery. I missed being able to drive, but it was also a nice break from the winter driving hassles. The lack of depth perception in my altered eyesight was the worst part of the past few months. Besides losing the ability to drive, it also affected my balance, using stairs, being in a crowd, even finding items at the grocery store was a challenge! Reading is still a bit difficult, a short amount of time is all I can manage. I am confident that will improve as well.

Today I feel happy.

Quote from Marva Collins;

Trust yourself.
Think for yourself.
Act for yourself.
Speak for yourself.
Be yourself.
Imitation is suicide.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

paper pieces pens and postage

I love paper. The color, texture, and potential use give me butterflies!

I was at the art supply store with Aly over the weekend. It is the happiest place on earth. The shelves full of blank paper, rows of paint and brushes, stacks of pencils and pens, bins of various tools, cans and bottles full of all sorts of magical potions that create art. Disneyland has nothing on the thrill of what potential lies in wait at the art store.

Today I will use supplies I have in my own shelves to create some writing cards. I like to make a big mess on the dining room table while Patrick is out of town.

anonymous quote;

Take risks: If you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.

Monday, February 2, 2009

motivation monday

Staying motivated to keep on a working out schedule is not easy. Except for maybe my friend Mary the marathoner. She is one of the motivators in my mind when I'm trying to figure out a way to cut my workout short. She could be "marathon mary the motivator!" We are getting together tomorrow. I can't wait to hear about her trip to Machu Picchu!

I am newly motivated to stay on the elliptical machine and other big iron contraptions that were invented to train unruly bodies. While modeling swimwear for myself in the mirror, I noticed an absence of dimpled flesh on my legs. It is possibly the best thing that has occurred for my body in the last several months! I have several new songs on my ipod and am ready to keep up the work.

Now, where's that cheese and sour cream for on top of the chili?

Quote from Aimee Mullins, paralymic athlete;

"Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have. It's much sexier than any other body part."

Sunday, February 1, 2009

super duper

Just a few weeks ago Pat and I were cruising around Tampa Bay enjoying the fair weather and lovely sand beaches. Today nearly all the football fans of the nation have their attention directed to the stadium we drove by on our way to a lovely dinner. I'd much rather be dining out with my husband than sitting at a ballgame! In honor of my Arizona people and my mom's birthday today----go Cardinals!

We had a fun family dinner last night here at the condo. It was a Ham Ball extravaganza! For those of you who do not know about ham balls, it's a magical mix of ground meat from the LaSalle Locker plant to which a few ingredients are added, made into meatballs, special sauce poured over the top and baked for 1 1/2 hours. It is just the best! Hanna and Mike came over and of course Aly was home for the weekend so the 5 of us enjoyed a fantastic dinner.

Sunday's quote from anais nin;

I know why families were created with all their imperfections. They humanize you. They are made to make you forget yourself occasionally, so that the beautiful balance of life is not destroyed.

And from T.S. Eliot;

There's no vocabulary

For love within a family, love that's lived in

But not looked at, love within the light of which

All else is seen, the love within which

All other love finds speech.

This love is silent.

Only 14 more days until we leave for Phoenix. I'm especially happy to be preparing for this trip because the winter has been unusually long. I've loaded the bed with stacks of summer clothes. I'll be having a fashion show tonight while watching for the Superbowl commercials. Patrick will be with his good friend Joe in Chicago tonight as he makes his way east for business appointments. Travel safely honey!

Friday, January 30, 2009

perfect product

I ponder good taste. I am often times overwhelmed by the perfect taste of my friend Kirstin. She has the unique talent of being able to choose the absolute perfect product for any variety of situations. I benefit in that good taste, most recently with some hand-me-down jeans. I don't know how, but these jeans are the absolute perfect booty-hugging, leg slimming, comfortable waist, for a forty-something year old. I don't know how she does it, but I am so happy to be in her universe.

My girls and I are going to the movie "New in Town" tonight. It is set in New Ulm, though it was not filmed there. It it will be fun to hear references about our favorite post-Christmas shopping town!

oh and by the way K, you can't have these jeans back. I'm wearing them til they're lint.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

musical muse

Lucky is how I describe my relationship with my cousin Lisa. I am lucky to be related to her because out of a crowd, many would choose her to be a friend. Lucky me. The charming thing about Lisa is that she has no idea about how fantastic she is.

Last night she and I saw the Mn Symphony Orchestra. We have tickets to a series of concerts called "Inside the Classics." It's very enjoyable and the people watching is a bonus of the evening. Explain to me how it is appropriate in January, to attend an event in a gauzy dress and strappy sandals. Oh, wait---it must be to display the ink up and down the calves, neck and shoulders. Two words; brrrcold and ick.

As I try to again wash that image from my mind, I will post the quote for today.

from Henry Miller;

Whatever there be of progress in life comes not through adaptation but through daring, through obeying the blind urge.

for now~~p.

Monday, January 26, 2009

if it's monday, it must be madison

I'm driving with Pat to Madison today. He has some beezness to conduct tomorrow, and thought it would be nice to have a traveling companion--me. We will meet our good friends the Bauers for dinner tonight. Tomorrow I will use the hotel facilities and perhaps go to the mall. I could use a new pair of shoes...

Today's quote, from Proust;

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."

hmmm...I'm reminded of Dorothy Gale from Kansas while typing the above:)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

pondering phrases

I believe my blog theme shall be phrases.

I like to read nonfiction and am often inspired by a well written or casually spoken idea that leads to positive intention.

spoken by Abigail Adams;

"Great difficulties may be surmounted by patience and perseverance."

take care,

peggy o.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

tuesday january 20

Posting my first entry on the blog Aly set up for me. Thanks Alybaby.

I write on the inaugural day of our new president, and ponder whether the hopefulness of this day will stay with all our leaders and keep the intention positive.

Pondering also the importance of sight. Foresight of which I lack, hindsight for which I tend to obsess, and actually seeing. Do you have to be visually adept to see what is important? Is the acuity of vision the measure of happiness? My recent eye surgery led me to ponder this perplexity.

However, I must close this page now for my eye is tired.

for now~~~p.