Pat the pie man is going to create his famous pie crust for me today. In that nice, lightly browned pastry, I will place freshly cooked lemon (from hand-picked Arizona lemons) pie filling and attempt meringue. I do hope I am worthy of the challenge. Perhaps Lisa can assist in the making of this delight! I predict squeezing the lemons will be the most important part of the process!
Prior to that science experiment, she and I will do the market for lunch, then drive over to the James J. Hill House historic site. I'm so glad she gets me out of the house.
Quote of the day from John Wooden;
Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
good day!
5 days ago
as a satisfied consumer of this pie, I can vouch for the success of the experiment. MMMMM Good! In fact I've already planned a tribute to it on my own blog.....coming soon!