Potatoes---as in salad. But I didn't want to pollute the alliteration.
I had a lovely stay at my Aunt and Uncle's cabin near Alexandria over the 4th of July weekend. Part of my addition to the collective food effort was making the potato salad. The only reason I am trusted do this is because after 20 years of trying, I finally have it down. The secret is...using no recipe. You have to have a feel for how much of each ingredient goes into the big bowl. And I suppose you have to live with my mother and witness her create it for years and basically learn through osmosis.
The humorous part of this food tale comes in the reference to the Biblical "loaves and fishes" story. The salad came out at every meal, enjoyed and requested I might add, and the bowl did not become empty until Sunday noon! Lisa and I mentioned it on Saturday night and Patrick joked about it on Sunday---"the 4th of July miracle!"
It's good to be living in America. There is no cruise or multi-star resort that can compare to a perfect 4th of July weekend. Grilling in the drive way, a garage fridge full of beer from New Ulm, floaties with slow leaks, sparklers, playing shark attack, boat rides, purchasing cool fireworks from a big tent with disturbingly enthusiastic salespeople, tee-shirts from Wal-Mart, waving from the red white and blue decked out boat in the parade, making ice cream and lighting up little tanks that go BOOM! (and burn the hair off Patrick's ankles.) Impossible to surpass.
Quote from Henry James;
"Summer afternoon---summer afternoon... the two most beautiful words in the English language."
take care.
5 days ago
my own personal potato salad perplexity (how's that for alliteration!)- I have the recipe that my mom has made for years, and seemingly do it the same way she does, but mine is never as good. Or maybe it just always tastes better when someone else does all the work.