I cannot decide which to blog about; vacation or engagement. Both are exciting to think about, both have expectations, and both are on my immediate agenda.
Last Friday night Mike proposed to Hanna. It took place on the rooftop of our building and Patrick and I were there to celebrate the news. She was totally surprised, accepted his offer (!) and received a big ol' sparkler for her left hand. I'm now calling her "B" for bride. Perhaps I should begin to call Mike "G".
Wednesday we leave for a vacation (Katun Pres. Club trip) to Mexico. We will be on the east side of the country at a resort just south of Cancun. I've never been to the Caribbean Sea side of Mexico before and look forward to our arrival. I should really be a bit more prepared, but we only have two dinner events where nice clothing is called for, and the rest of the time we'll be in our swimsuits! Plus, it's not like we're hiking through Macchu Pichu, --there will be plenty of shopping!
Quote from Henry David Thoreau;
Live in each season as it passes, breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit.
Be happy!
5 days ago
woo hoo!