I am officially obsolete.
Yesterday I convinced Patrick that we should renew the subscription for the daily newspaper. It's one of those nice, familiar rituals I enjoy. A comfortable chair, a giant mug of coffee, the newspaper that is delivered straight to my door like a hotel, my ritual can't be beat! There is no comparing that to reading the computer screen.
Today I find out via television media that the StarTribune is trimming it's staff by at least 100. Does that mean a less timely and informational paper? I don't know. Tell me if you like the paper paper, or the internet paper.
Now, I have more to tell about being beaten down by technology. I've been using a Blackberry on a trial basis for several weeks and I surrender. The phone is nice, all the fun ways to access information is nice, the email/text feature is easy and nice, but it's too much! I don't need all that info all the time! If I need information I will sit down at the PC and find, read it, and shut it down! Leave me alone! AACCKK! I'm considering installing a rotary dial phone on the wall in my kitchen.
Quote of the day from Mary Wollstonecraft;
"The beginning is always today."
take care
5 days ago
I also love my morning paper, but don't use me as a measure of obsolete technology. I'm still not on Facebook for pete's sake. (and I use phrases like "for pete's sake"!)