I am a big fan of Saturday Night Live. The show started in the 70's when I spent many Saturday nights babysitting. Those were the pre-cable days (gasp!) when the only TV choices were 3 networks and a couple of local affiliates. I was an accidental watcher, trying to figure out if "samurai warrior" was funny, and soon a dedicated fan. Granted, the show has been less than funny on many occasions, but I will remain a fan for as long the show is broadcast. A highlight of last years trip to NYC was a tour of NBC and seeing the studio.
Fast forward to 2009 and my new favorite irreverent SNL short film. "I'm On a Boat" is funny and the most popular music video downloaded from Apple to ipod. If you care to watch, be warned there is strong language. If you are not offended by that sort of thing, and have an open mind about how silly it is, you will like the music video. The humor for me comes in how the song and actors are making such a big deal about being on a boat. Reminds me of how folks cruising Lake Minnetonka on big boats think very highly of them selves and are thinking---"hey look at me! I'm on a big boat and you are not!"
After all, it's just a boat.
Quote from Earl Mac Rauch;
Remember, no matter where you go, there you are.
Even on a boat. :)
take care!
5 days ago
How have I missed this video? Are my teenagers not doing their job and keeping me up to date on what's hip? thank goodness I have my hip, downtown Peggy to keep me on top of things!