Yes, prickles, not pickles. We will be eating some pickles today, but first we may get our fingers pricked by cactus. The activity for this beautiful Sunday in sunny Mesa is creating a cactus garden. Aly is going to make one and we'll do one for G&G's deck as well. We saw some nice chunky barrel cacti today at the swap meet but they were a bit too big. I'd prefer starting small with this new project.
When we walked through the Botanical Gardens last February we saw such a wide variety of cacti and desert plants that were lush and beautiful. I would love to try and create something vast and fantastic, but will settle for small and cute.
I've been told one uses kitchen tongs to plant cactus--large or small. I hope mother doesn't mind when her tongs go missing!
Quote of the day from Gary Zukav;
"We have much to do together. Let us do it in wisdom, love and joy. Let us make this the human experience."
take care.
5 days ago
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