Not so peculiar I suppose, my penchant for shoes. Comfort and purpose have eclipsed fashion in recent years. But not entirely, for I found an answer to the woeful rainy early morning dog walk in the form of colorful and cute rain boots! It was the perfect morning to wear the Land's End rain boots that are only appropriate on a few spring or fall days here in Minnesota. The proper costume of the day (thank you Edie Beale) weather-wise will be indicated by what shoe will be worn. I'm so very impressed by the form and function of so many "sport" shoe companies whose comfort actually looks good. I feel a shopping trip coming on...
Quote of the day from Katherine Hepburn;
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun."
thanks to the new Talbots catalog for the quote on the front cover. Talbots catalog is very cute this year. I'm shocked that I like many of the outfits---moi? Talbots? who knew?
5 days ago
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