I'm packing again.
After being home for not quite 24 hours I am packing a bag with my belongings for a few more care giving days with Mother. Janet stayed with them last night and reported that all is well. Mom seems a bit impatient to just get this "belly" issue over! My care giving skills now include knowing how to pack an open wound. She was a good patient to use as my first attempt! I'm glad she was a good sport about it, better to be home dealing with your family handling your health care needs, than sitting in the hospital where there is more opportunity for infection.
Tomorrow I will accompany Mom and Dad to Rochester for Mom's post op appointment and suturing, as well as Dad's ortho appointment for his shoulder.
I have a ton of work to do for Aly's graduation. We need to print announcements, plan the art show, frame the art work, make the guest list, plan the menu, organize the dinner party, coordinate the overnights...whew...I do hope all can be accomplished.
Quote from Princess Leia;
Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.
Seriously. I need help!
Quote from psychotherapist Adele Brookman;
Use your imagination not to scare yourself to death but to inspire yourself to life!
take good care.
5 days ago
Here's a small bit of help. Get some of that artwork over here, and I'll see what I can do with it.......and a hello and get well to Patsy!