Tuesday, December 21, 2010

peaceful path

Sometimes a change of scenery will clarify thoughts.

My mind is spinning with the things to get done for the upcoming holidays. Granted I have been slow to start in my Scroogey attitude this year, but still there are things to be completed by weeks end. Going outside with Matilda the wondrous snow digger dog, gave me a time to reflect. In the middle of the city, on a path with newly fallen snow, and a few flakes gently falling through the calm sky, I felt happy.

Happy to know that what I do or do not accomplish this week has no bearing on how much I treasure my near and dear ones. Content that the future will bring clarity and focus to what matters. Gratitude for those people who stand fast and true.

Quote of the day from Gail Sweet;

"Children will not remember you for the material things you provided, but for the feeling that you cherished them."

take care.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

poignant project

Recently I participated in Project Homeless Connect. The event brings many service and provider agencies together under one roof to make access easy for those who have difficulty with transportation, let alone housing. The number of volunteers and participants runs into the thousands. Part of my job that day was to be a guide to services needed by the participant/guest. Medical, dental, eye checks, haircuts, legal services, general assistance benefits, and of course housing were stations to visit and get some work done. The mayor spoke and talked with people for much of the day. The event was a great way to help people. I'm happy to have the time to be a volunteer and work to make our community a better place.

Quote of the day from the Dalai Lama;

" Compassion seems to be the greatest power."

take care!

Friday, December 10, 2010

peculiar pep

The weather rules. Isn't that why the "bad guy" often times in old movies seek to control the weather?

I have little control over things like weather. There are things that happen to us just because we live on this planet. Living a good and honest life with integrity comes easy to some people-you know who you are- and not so easy for others. And you know who they are! I'm assuming if you are reading my blog you are a fantastic person who is interested in what I have to write and I am equally fascinated with you. Therefore you are a person of high quality and have no time for the negative force some people choose as their way of conducting themselves.

Karma. It's powerful.

The forecast is for snow in my city and I have an abundance of energy today. Just like a squirrel readying it's winter food supply, I can't sit still. I believe there is something in the air that nudges me to get the chores done. Barometric pressure? Survival instincts? Caribou coffee? I don't know. Even after dropping the hubs off at the airport early this morning, still can't settle down.

Quote of the day from Florence Shinn;

"The game of life is the game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, words, and deeds return to us - sooner or later - with astounding accuracy."

take care.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Thanksgiving gave me plenty to be thankful for.

Before Thanksgiving, I flew south to AZ to help Aly with a difficult and trying time she was experiencing dealing with unemployment and life in general. That trip proved to be bountiful. Not only did we have a fantastic dinner on Thanksgiving Day, other blessings were revealed!
My dear cousin Janelle will not need to have more chemo treatments for at least 2 months and her cancer seems to be retreating---not gone, but not growing larger. Yay!

Aly had a good interview with a business in Tempe and landed a job at Marshall's. She met with a potential new roommate and will decide on a new place to live very soon! yay! In the meantime, she's house-sitting at G&G's. Be good Aly and don't mess with Grandma's stuff!

I love all my girls! And am thankful for all the blessings.

Quote of the day from writer Jill Churchill;

"The most important thing she'd learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one."

take care.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Who's right and who's wrong.

Is it always an absolute yes or no?

Guess I tend to be more gray. And I'm not talking about my hair! Which is not gray now, nor will it ever be...but I certainly have had enough stress and conflict to create a few. Is it wrong to be flexible and not stand up for what you believe to be true?

Yes, when it comes to being true to those you love. I believe in loyalty to family. I'll defend my family to the bitter end. And I have.

Does that make me a hero? Absolutely not. Does it make me better than anyone else? Absolutely not. Does that make an enemy or two? Absolutely yes.

It's an innate feeling I have to protect my family from physical or mental harm. I have friends and cousins who are included in my family policy of protection. Public opinion regarding my defense has been called offensive. Call me anything you want because I am confidant and capable. I have a super-fantastic life!

All I can say is don't mess with my family.

Quote of the day from Eleanor Roosevelt;

"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear right in the face...you must do the thing you think you cannot do."

take care.

Monday, November 8, 2010

perfectly phunny

I really liked viewing this funny video. Please check ot out!

Check out this great MSN video: Dad Life

And know how cool your Dad is!

Monday, November 1, 2010

party post

One of the nice things about where I live is the community within the population of the building. The historic building is nearly it's own city considering the market, businesses, and the adjacent medical care.

On Friday night, at Steven's big birthday bash, his good friend David and I discussed how people choose to engage with their neighbors. Whether it's a wall, a fence, or miles, there's a certain connectedness to the area in which we reside. And with that, is your willingness to say hello and their response. As I looked around the room all the "neighbor" guests were people who took that first step to meet the person they encountered on the elevator or in the mail lobby.

I'm happy to know them and thrilled to have met many of Steven's cool friends. It was a fantastic party with tons of appetizers and never ending libation. It was over too soon! Or was it? Just to add a bit of drama to the evening--which is so appropriate for Steven-- the elevator got stuck! With poor Jeff inside! The party stragglers, me included, Pat had already left to take out the recycling, had to be escorted down the rooftop access stairs to the passenger elevators on the 12th floor. What a funny memory and way to top off a great party!

Quote of the day from Madeleine L'Engle;

"The great thing about getting older is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been."

take care.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I love plaid and argyle.
It's just so fall fashiony and sharp. I've noticed fashion on the streets of my neighborhood and on the metro transit (bus) and discovered many individuals who care about appearance. For instance, there is a tendency to match the shoes with a hat or other accessory. There is a continuing trend fancy in handbags and scarves. Many of the children are decked out in new coats and backpacks to match. The parents seem to do their best getting their kids "weather-proofed!" What I have not witnessed on the real streets of the city are sky high heels seen in every catalog and store window. Those heels are made for sitting - not walking. They appear on the Nicollet Mall for a few minutes until the wearer has to retreat back to her desk to be seated for the rest of the day.

Quote of the day from Lily Tomlin;

" If truth is beauty, how come no one has their hair done in the library?"

take care!

Monday, October 11, 2010

positively perfect

The light and colors around me recently have drenched my soul in happiness. What is it about the sunshine that equates this warm and energetic feeling? Is it the actual warmth and energy of the sun? Is it the luscious fall colors the leaves have turned? Is it the 8 bottles of wine consumed over Girls Weekend?

I may never know the answer to the source, but will bask in the glow of Autumn 2010 and try to draw out the lasting effects.

Karla has a brand new mazda and she drove us to Hackensack for the weekend. Her family was at the cabin on Deep Portage and we popped in so Jan could see the little ones. The Schaffran girls are quite talented when it comes to matters around the house. Karla has some kitchen skills which were deliciously displayed and Lisa's ambitious crafting had us all in amazement. Will you please sit down? And Jan was, as always, gracious, generous and seemed so happy to have her girls for a few days.

It's good to be a part of GW2010 and already thinking of fun things for next year.

Quote from Zelda Fitzgerald;

Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.

take good care!

Friday, September 24, 2010


I'm ba-a-ck!

It's time to get back to pondering perplexities.

The time surrounding the wedding up until now has been filled with the busy-ness of everyday life. With an injury, unemployment, and cancer diagnosis, thrown in for good measure. I want to give some time and space to these large issues. In the meantime know that the injury I sustained is healing, the joblessness for Aly is creating a new direction, and the cancer for Janelle is being fought hard and will most certainly be conquered.

Quote of the day from Mary Kay Ash;

I keep an eye on the bottom line, but it's not an overriding obsession. To me, P and L doesn't mean "profit and loss"---it more importantly means "people and love."

take care!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

pre-wedding preparation

The days have been filled with lots of "wedding" stuff!

Our trip to Florida is approaching at breakneck speed and I'm really not in a panic. The bride, Hanna, has everything under control. There are some little details to be dealt with and a few more things to buy, ship, make and print, but mostly---it's all fun. Aly and Lisa will be helping the bride on Tuesday and Wednesday so I can maybe take some time off!

Today I have some favor box embossing to do...

take care for now!

Monday, March 15, 2010

pure pain

The rain has washed away some of the winter dirt and sand from the sidewalks and trails here in the city. Temps have risen and spring may arrive on the actual calendar date. My environment is improving everyday, while several friends around me face challenges almost too much to bear.

My whole body is aching in response to the most recent news of my most cherished friend needing a kidney transplant. This person is the one I don't remember not knowing. She's the one who will remain a young girl in my heart and mind, because it's the same voice, same face that's been with me since---forever.

I am heartbroken.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

pack a peck of perfect

Perfect garment choices that is...

Whilst traveling, one must have a variety of clothing. Changing temperatures, activities, entertainment, work and events call for different outfits. And different outfits call for shoes that suit the look as well. Woe is me with the packing! Even with some staples at the condo in Arizona, I'm still over loaded with belongings to be checked at the airport.

There is some serious poolside relaxing to do, along with a hot tub time or two. A hike with the Norwegians, a trip to the botanical garden, bridesmaid dress shopping, several dinner parties and restaurant outings to name a few of the things keeping me busy for the next 3 weeks.

There was an amusing (to me) statement in the the variety section of the newspaper today. The article was about selecting clothes that are flattering and age appropriate. The writer posed the question "when do you know it's time to move from Anthropologie to J.Jill?"


Quote of the day from Wu Wei Wu;

Why aren't you happy? It's because ninety-nine percent of everything you do, and think, and say, is for yourself."

take care!

Friday, February 5, 2010

public pose II

Create a presence. Dress to impress. Make a statement. Have charisma.

How do we manage to put out a positive vibe and yet be authentic to ourselves?

I'm wondering about the value of pretending to be nice. That is, having the nice manners to be kind when you really aren't up to it. Being a human being here on the planet and choosing to interact with others. The conversation with a person that's going nowhere. The comment regarding the weather, a nice sweater, or fresh haircut.

I think it is absolutely necessary!

One positive comment to an acquaintance or stranger can make all the difference in the day. For you and for them. I challenge you to remember a time when someone was especially kind, or said something not necessarily profound, but had an such a impact, albeit subtle, that you remember it to this day. I remember a mom in my toddler and mommy class telling me I had a real personal style. That comment made me feel great, and to this day I sometimes think to myself, "Hey! I've got a great sense of style."

Quote of the day from Florence Shinn;

"The game of life is the game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, words, and deeds return to us--sooner or later--with astounding accuracy."

take care.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

public pose

How people behave on public transportation fascinates me. Some act aloof and think everybody is looking at them, some are totally transfixed on their phones, others close their eyes and try to rest, some are staring into space, seemingly in another world. As a whole, the group doesn't speak unless you are riding with someone you know.

And then there was my seat buddy Mike. He had his coat off, obviously trying to be comfortable for a long ride, and placed on the seat next to him. As I made my way toward that only empty seat he offered it saying "my coat is clean" and didn't move it, so I sat down. He wanted to talk about the newspaper he was reading, the sports section featuring an interview with Fran Tarkenton---at least a name I recognized! He had a few more points of conversation, including how he had been at the bar, and concern for a friend.

I hope my brief encounter was pleasant for him. Like I have mentioned in my previous blogs, I wonder about the folks around town, who a bit "off" and perhaps a little disheveled, and how they often are shunned. A pleasant conversation and a smile is what I can offer my seat buddy. And my day is improved by pleasant interaction with another human being.

Quote of the day from Charles Baudelaire;

" The lover of life makes the whole world into his family."

take care.

Monday, February 1, 2010


It was strangely quiet this chilly Monday morning when I was out walking the dog. I usually encounter some people crossing the main hallway with their "mapps" coffee on their way to the offices next door. Today the hallway was nearly empty. Outside, except for the bus transit station daily hubbub, the west side was deserted. Is there a holiday I don't know about? A personal day taken to sleep in? Beginning of vacation season? What's up?

The Greenway is, as a rule, pretty desolate when the temperature is below zero, so no change there. However, there was a very perky bike rider giving me a hearty "good morning" greeting as he pedaled past. Typically the bikers and the walkers do not speak. It's just how it is on the Greenway! Only the bi-peds speak! Then, I heard faintly though my hood someone singing. As he grew closer I could hear he was belting out a Beatles tune as he rode his bike east down the path. I love it when I witness that sort of uninhibited behavior. If you feel like singing, do it!

Quote of the day from Ellen Glasgow;

"Nothing in life is so hard that you can't make it easier by the way you take it."

take care.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Flat on the ground I fell.

The ice finally brought me down, prostrate on the sidewalk. I felt my feet go out from my center of balance and did NOT feel where my arm flailed out to try and stop gravity. I'm not sure if it was the actual fall that injured my shoulder, or if it was the angle or pull from the dog leash that made it worse. In any case, I'm in an uncomfortable state.

And Patrick has a case of whiplash, says the chiropractor, from a jerky ride on his most recent flight to Denver. We are a couple of sorry looking folks.

Quote of the day from George Eliot;

"What do we live for if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?"

take good care!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

potent proclamation

How, on this Sunday when the Vikings are playing with Brett Favre as their star, are we not invited to a party?

After all the parties we have hosted, with all the food and booze, and the people sucking it all up, can there be no invitation.

Grrr...I'm done with entertaining and toting all that liquor from the Chi-Lake to our place. You people are all dead to me.

Quote from Confucius;

" To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it."

Saturday, January 23, 2010


A rainy night indeed.

Who knew that a Friday night in downtown Minneapolis in late January would require an umbrella? Waiting for the train at the Warehouse District platform was simply surreal! What city is this? Who are these folks with umbrellas? Why do I need my rain boots?

The weather is unusual from coast to coast.

We attended the Timberwolves game at the Target Center. It had been quite some time since we'd been to a game and it was enjoyable. Pat enjoyed giving me a little basketball history lesson and pointing out things of interest. The stop at our favorite bar, Glueks, was good, although the presentation of a "happy hour" menu was confusing. The bartender placed a plastic stand containing the menu with the beers, drinks, and appetizers listed and available for happy hour. We chose and then were told there is no "happy hour" pricing because of the event (i.e; Timberwolves game). Well, why present the menu? Didn't change our order and heard him telling the same story to the patrons beside me.

Quote of the day from coach Phil Jackson;

" Winning is important to me, but what brings me real joy is the experience of being fully engaged in whatever I'm doing."

Take care.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The ice that surrounds me outdoors on the sidewalks, bridge, steps, patio and greenway is shrinking! When the sun shines on these "mild" days of January the ice slowly recedes much like a glacier. It's odd comparing ones environment to frozen tundra. Again, I'm enjoying the Sorrels.

Don't get bitter, get better. I'm sure you've heard the phrase before. Why stop there? I say get batter! There's a cake batter in my near future, baking a birthday cake for someone special. Tonight there is a little celebration for Lisa, while further out west my good friend David turns my age. We get to be the same age for a few weeks! HBD!

Quote of the day from Madeleine L'Engle;

"The great thing about getting older is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been."

take care

Thursday, January 7, 2010

pinot grigio

Bar La Grassa, a fairly new establishment on Washington Ave, was on my radar to visit. It was featured as one of the best places for food and drink in Minneapolis a few weeks ago. Who knew that last evening--a cold Wednesday---would find me 10 deep waiting to speak to the host? Does buzz from a Star Tribune article last for weeks?

What am I missing in the night scene here in Minneapolis? Is 8PM midweek a popular time to dine out? I'm confused.

Also concerned about how difficult it was to park and scale the ice cliff of snow to get on the partly icy-slick sidewalk. I'm dumbfounded about how there is not a quality sit down restaurant in our Global Market. Our experience at Ala Salsa on NYE was mediocre at best. The parking and comfort of this building offers so much to diners--and you would think owners as well. There is gossip that the restaurant Jade, which occupies a large part of the Global Market, will close soon. I long for a great dining spot to take over that space.

We discovered through an acquaintance that our good friend Tony, the sushi chef, has found a home at Fuji-Ya. That is where we first learned about sushi and how to order and eat it! Best of luck to him and we will certainly become regulars at Fuji-Ya again!

Quotes from "One Second Sermons";

"Kind words make good echoes"

"Life is a measure to be filled, not a cup to be drained"

"If you can't see the bright side, polish the dull side"

take care!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

part of the season

This part of the winter season is unpleasant.

I'm frozen with anxiety about dealing with the sub-zero temps everyday.

It's just not fun.

I acquired some really nice "Sorrel" snow boots over the holiday season which keep my feet warm. The long underwear from Target is indispensable. My old coat from Land's End remains my absolute favorite, and the warm woolens from Norway keep me Goldilocks warm---not too hot, not too cold!

So why am I unhappy?

Maybe it's the ice buildup on the streets and sidewalks that makes the simple task of walking an Olympic event. Or an ode to growing up on ice skates like Lisa who credits her good balance to ice skating everyday after school. The ice presents a challenge nearly everywhere.

Then there's the temperature.

My face gets so cold and the raw air truly burns my cheeks. The dog still enjoys the snow, but she slips on the sidewalk as well! I haven't fallen yet--knock on wood-- and hope to remain upright for the duration.

My attitude does not reflect my hopes and dreams for the coming year. I am very optimistic for a fantastic 2010!

Really I am, but I can't take much more of this ice and cold temps!

Quote of the day from Jennifer James;

"If you could choose one characteristic that would get you through life, choose a sense of humor."

take care--ha ha!