Sunday, January 24, 2010

potent proclamation

How, on this Sunday when the Vikings are playing with Brett Favre as their star, are we not invited to a party?

After all the parties we have hosted, with all the food and booze, and the people sucking it all up, can there be no invitation.

Grrr...I'm done with entertaining and toting all that liquor from the Chi-Lake to our place. You people are all dead to me.

Quote from Confucius;

" To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it."

1 comment:

  1. If it makes you feel any better:
    1. they LOST!
    2. we went to someone else's house and I ended up in the basement watching "Emma" on Masterpiece Theater.
    3. you won't have to worry about hosting a Superbowl party with everyone here ticked off at the Saints. :)
