Create a presence. Dress to impress. Make a statement. Have charisma.
How do we manage to put out a positive vibe and yet be authentic to ourselves?
I'm wondering about the value of pretending to be nice. That is, having the nice manners to be kind when you really aren't up to it. Being a human being here on the planet and choosing to interact with others. The conversation with a person that's going nowhere. The comment regarding the weather, a nice sweater, or fresh haircut.
I think it is absolutely necessary!
One positive comment to an acquaintance or stranger can make all the difference in the day. For you and for them. I challenge you to remember a time when someone was especially kind, or said something not necessarily profound, but had an such a impact, albeit subtle, that you remember it to this day. I remember a mom in my toddler and mommy class telling me I had a real personal style. That comment made me feel great, and to this day I sometimes think to myself, "Hey! I've got a great sense of style."
Quote of the day from Florence Shinn;
"The game of life is the game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, words, and deeds return to us--sooner or later--with astounding accuracy."
take care.
5 days ago
Nice post, and nice reminder. Thanks! And may I just say, you do indeed have an awesome personal style!