Friday, May 29, 2009

poetic purpose

It feels like my main purpose in life for the past few months has been cleaning. Cleaning houses and all the flotsam and jetsam that comes along with it. Since closing up the AZ house in April, it has been non-stop organizing and cleaning for me. Assisting Mom with her surgery and recovery, preparing our place for Aly's return, moving our furniture around for the new wall mount TV, moving Aly out of her U of M apartment, storing her things for eventual moving from the condo, and preparing for the graduation party and out of town guests has left me with dishpan hands and a loathing of the work.

The cleaning. The packing. The organizing. It's so important, yet so mind numbing! I just might leap off the dock at the park in my desperation. And that Powderhorn Park water is toxic!

I do wish I had something new and exciting to talk about. My life is all about tidying up.

To quote Miss Daisy as she entered her daughter-in -laws Christmas party;

"I hope I don't spit up."

take care and keep it clean!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

pointless pajamas

Being comfortable makes for a good nights sleep. Usually. I seemed quite happy in my newest set of cropped pant and short sleeved cotton jammies last night, until my arms were chilly. Cover up with a light blanket, then my legs were too hot. Uncover them, keep my arms covered, and go back to sleep. Or so I thought. Midnight, one o'clock, two o'clock and lots of covering and uncovering. Sigh.

One entire drawer of my dresser is full of pajamas. Which set will help me go to sleep? Tonight I will try another pair and hope for the best.

I think many people have a whole drawer of jammies. There are the favorites which can't be donated because they are nearly worn out---and actually, when are pajamas really worn out? They seem to get better with every wash. The new ones that aren't quite into the rotation, and the impractical. Who sleeps in a slip-type gown besides actors? Talk about your cold arms!

Even though I've been sifting through my clothes for weeks, I still feel I have too much. Too much that does not go together, or feel right like the right size. How much is enough? Too little? And the shoe issue---ouch! If there is a shoe that only goes with one outfit, is it worthy to remain in my limited space? Let me just say YES! and that goes for handbags as well.

I'm keeping all my stuff.

Quote from Bette Midler;

"There comes a time when you have to let your clothes go out into the world and try to make it on their own."

Okay, maybe I'll take another look...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

positive paradox

My glass is half full. The only way to describe how I feel about the absurdities of life is positive. I was making a list in my head last night about the challenges I face daily, ones I've overcome and the many that lie ahead and I remain optimistic. I'm not saying I haven't rolled over a few times and pulled the covers up over my head, but overall life is good. Has anyone read the Wayne Dyer book(s) about the power of intention? I have not. I want to think that my attitude is that of good intention --- wait, isn't that what the road to hell is paved with?

Really now, I am quite sure the preview paragraph I read defines my reaction. Yeah, duh!

Quote from Hugh Downs;

A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.

take care!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

propensity prevails

Why is butter, real butter, straight from the farm, full on dairy butter so bad for you? It tastes so good, makes cooking delightful, and can't be surpassed in baking. How such a wonderful substance can be so inherently bad for a person is beyond me.

Quote from Bertolt Brecht;

Do not fear death so much, but rather the inadequate life.

And I might add that a life without butter is no life at all.

love to you~~~~

Monday, May 4, 2009

packing protocol

I'm packing again.

After being home for not quite 24 hours I am packing a bag with my belongings for a few more care giving days with Mother. Janet stayed with them last night and reported that all is well. Mom seems a bit impatient to just get this "belly" issue over! My care giving skills now include knowing how to pack an open wound. She was a good patient to use as my first attempt! I'm glad she was a good sport about it, better to be home dealing with your family handling your health care needs, than sitting in the hospital where there is more opportunity for infection.

Tomorrow I will accompany Mom and Dad to Rochester for Mom's post op appointment and suturing, as well as Dad's ortho appointment for his shoulder.

I have a ton of work to do for Aly's graduation. We need to print announcements, plan the art show, frame the art work, make the guest list, plan the menu, organize the dinner party, coordinate the overnights...whew...I do hope all can be accomplished.

Quote from Princess Leia;

Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.

Seriously. I need help!

Quote from psychotherapist Adele Brookman;

Use your imagination not to scare yourself to death but to inspire yourself to life!

take good care.