Saturday, February 14, 2009

pondering packing...

Again, I don't know how she does it.

During my one woman fashion show to determine what will go to AZ with me, the hand-me-down linen dress from Kirstin is the perfect one. How does she do it? Such perfect taste in everything. Even though the dress is five years old, purchased on a weekend girls' getaway, it is the most flattering thing I have in my closet. And not even mine originally! Good thing I encouraged her to purchase it back then.

My suitcase holds evidence of my most recent ailment. It proves that I am indeed suffering from cabin fever. I have folded and packed enough clothes, complete with the perfect accessories and coordinating shoes, for the entire two weeks. And this vacation is being spent in a place where not only did I design the guest room, but have two drawers and 1/2 a closet full of seasonal garments! What is the matter with me?

Fortunately I have the luxury of contemplating that question in 70 degree weather wearing the most flattering items from my wardrobe. And this thought makes me happy.

Quote from Katherine Mansfield;

Risk! Risk anything!
Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices.
Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for
yourself. Face the truth.

take care.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

valentine heart

My quote today is about your true heart---not the glittery red,pink and fancy ones all over town, but your own trueness deep inside. Is trueness a word? If not, it should be. Anyway, my quote is actually a prayer I want to share.

Written by Eve Kiley;

Give me a kind heart that will endure,
One that's strong and secure.
To help someone along the way,
May this be my goal everyday.
Let me lend a helping hand
To someone whose life has not gone as planned.
Reaching out to one in need,
May this be my daily good deed,
To provide a guiding light
For someone lost in the dark of night,
Let me take time to care
For someone experiencing despair,
Whatever I do, everywhere I go,
Your will, dear Lord, let me know.

Now don't get me wrong, I love the paper pagentry of love and romance that Valentine's Day brings every February 14th. I even sent a few homemade cards this year. I just want the feeling to flow over into our daily lives. Can I hear an Amen?

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

today's quote

from Tom Stoppard, The Real Thing

It's no trick loving someone at their best. Love is loving them at their worst.

for now,


to bake or not to bake...

I like cookies.

It's fun to bake.

Why do they have to be so bad for my body? heavy sigh...

There's a recipe from my mom called "Delicious Cookies." True to their name, they are indeed delici-o-so. Whenever I make them for a little gift, the recipient will often tell me they were the best cookies they've ever tasted. I don't remember where the recipe originated. It was perhaps from Mindi's mom Judy, or from the ever impressive Beverly Jean. I'll need to consult with Mother about the origin.

Does your body ache for chocolate? Sometimes I literally ache for a piece or five of Hershey's. The specialty gourmet chocolate is nice, however it feels and tastes too delicate. I love a nice piece of Hershey's chocolate with almonds. It has some body to it, not melted away in 3 seconds. Yum-o-rama.

Perhaps I'm just too swayed with the chocolate season the retailers call Valentines. Everywhere you look there are flowers and chocolate. Even in my market downstairs there's velvety brown ecstasy in full bloom. Also spotted in the Midtown Market-- wooden roses. popular with the snowbird crowd I'm told by Lisa. :)

I will try to control my shocolate urge by imagining how many minutes I'll need to add to my workout routine for every bite of hefty Hershey's. sigh...

worth it maybe?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

there's a bathroon on the right

I was trying to find a song to download to my ipod today and enlisted the help of my daughters. It was a song that I had to "da da da de daaahhh" because I didn't know the lyrics. Which reminded me of a calendar Hanna had one year featuring "mis-heard" lyrics. So funny! As to the title of this blog entry, you all know it's the misheard version of "there's a bad moon on the rise."
My girl's assisted me in my search and the "da da da" song was Sir MixaLot's "Jump On It." However I liked Sugarhill Gang's version of it better and downloaded that instead.

My play list is a compilation of varied artists that will require another blog entry or two.

FOUND! New pizza place---Black Sheep Pizza on N Washington Ave, just west of JD Hoyt's. Superfantastic!

Today's quote taken from what I read on a random sticker;

Sometimes I like to run around in my underoos for no reason.

Yahoo! It's Saturday---I think I'll go run around in my sweatpants for no reason, and sing Jump On It really loud.

(now I've truly freaked out my children)

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I am a pixie!

Today I drove myself (!) to the hair salon where my stylist Farrah makes her magic. She created a "carefree" style for me that resembles something between Rhianna and Suze Orman.


No, really, it's super cute!

It was so fun to drive to Edina on a somewhat lovely winter day and get a new hairstyle. My eyesight has improved to nearly what it was before the incident and the surgery. I missed being able to drive, but it was also a nice break from the winter driving hassles. The lack of depth perception in my altered eyesight was the worst part of the past few months. Besides losing the ability to drive, it also affected my balance, using stairs, being in a crowd, even finding items at the grocery store was a challenge! Reading is still a bit difficult, a short amount of time is all I can manage. I am confident that will improve as well.

Today I feel happy.

Quote from Marva Collins;

Trust yourself.
Think for yourself.
Act for yourself.
Speak for yourself.
Be yourself.
Imitation is suicide.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

paper pieces pens and postage

I love paper. The color, texture, and potential use give me butterflies!

I was at the art supply store with Aly over the weekend. It is the happiest place on earth. The shelves full of blank paper, rows of paint and brushes, stacks of pencils and pens, bins of various tools, cans and bottles full of all sorts of magical potions that create art. Disneyland has nothing on the thrill of what potential lies in wait at the art store.

Today I will use supplies I have in my own shelves to create some writing cards. I like to make a big mess on the dining room table while Patrick is out of town.

anonymous quote;

Take risks: If you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.

Monday, February 2, 2009

motivation monday

Staying motivated to keep on a working out schedule is not easy. Except for maybe my friend Mary the marathoner. She is one of the motivators in my mind when I'm trying to figure out a way to cut my workout short. She could be "marathon mary the motivator!" We are getting together tomorrow. I can't wait to hear about her trip to Machu Picchu!

I am newly motivated to stay on the elliptical machine and other big iron contraptions that were invented to train unruly bodies. While modeling swimwear for myself in the mirror, I noticed an absence of dimpled flesh on my legs. It is possibly the best thing that has occurred for my body in the last several months! I have several new songs on my ipod and am ready to keep up the work.

Now, where's that cheese and sour cream for on top of the chili?

Quote from Aimee Mullins, paralymic athlete;

"Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have. It's much sexier than any other body part."

Sunday, February 1, 2009

super duper

Just a few weeks ago Pat and I were cruising around Tampa Bay enjoying the fair weather and lovely sand beaches. Today nearly all the football fans of the nation have their attention directed to the stadium we drove by on our way to a lovely dinner. I'd much rather be dining out with my husband than sitting at a ballgame! In honor of my Arizona people and my mom's birthday today----go Cardinals!

We had a fun family dinner last night here at the condo. It was a Ham Ball extravaganza! For those of you who do not know about ham balls, it's a magical mix of ground meat from the LaSalle Locker plant to which a few ingredients are added, made into meatballs, special sauce poured over the top and baked for 1 1/2 hours. It is just the best! Hanna and Mike came over and of course Aly was home for the weekend so the 5 of us enjoyed a fantastic dinner.

Sunday's quote from anais nin;

I know why families were created with all their imperfections. They humanize you. They are made to make you forget yourself occasionally, so that the beautiful balance of life is not destroyed.

And from T.S. Eliot;

There's no vocabulary

For love within a family, love that's lived in

But not looked at, love within the light of which

All else is seen, the love within which

All other love finds speech.

This love is silent.

Only 14 more days until we leave for Phoenix. I'm especially happy to be preparing for this trip because the winter has been unusually long. I've loaded the bed with stacks of summer clothes. I'll be having a fashion show tonight while watching for the Superbowl commercials. Patrick will be with his good friend Joe in Chicago tonight as he makes his way east for business appointments. Travel safely honey!