I've been thinking a lot about past and present. There are some special days this year with numbers attached; 80th birthday, 50, 40 and 30 as well, and a 25th anniversary. The past feels somewhat settled, and the future looks very good. There's much for which to be grateful. I had a lovely birthday over the weekend and found out my neighbor Mike has a birthday on the 27th and my friend here at work, Karen, has a birthday today! Nice!
In the midst of all this, is loss.
My cousin Helge from Randaberg, Norway has died from cancer. There was not a kinder, more gentle soul than he, other than my Dad. He is the one who told us all about the early days of our immigrant Gr. Grandfather John who was born on the island of Rennesoy, near Stavanger. What joyous times we shared with him and wife Astrid in Norway and the winter of 2010 in Phoenix, AZ. I will miss him, and think of him often.
Other near and dears are coping with cancer and chronic disease. My friend Mary described my life of late as being in a bad vortex. Quite accurate.
quote of the day from Psalms 25.4
"Make me know your ways O Lord,
teach me your paths.
Lead me in your truth and teach me,
for you are the God of my salvation; for
you I wait all day long."
take care.
6 days ago
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