Friday, April 22, 2011


I wonder what the percentage of blogs are abandoned.

I've been neglecting this one, and feel bad about it! Poor little blog, needs some attention!

Over the past few weeks there has been travel, celebrations and happiness. Surprising news has come forward as well.

The details are many and I feel a bit overwhelmed to get up to date in one entry. So, how about if I try to blog every other day and just keep current? I'm okay with that.

take care.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tomorrow, Thursday, March 10 is the day my good friend Mindi has a medical procedure scheduled. After over a year of waiting, planning, endless decision making, the day is here for her kidney transplant. I am very confidant about her surgery and a good outcome. The recovery process will be intricate, remaining in the Rochester area, a trip to the clinic daily, and a dedicated constant companion. I'm happy to say I will be that companion! I will need to share a bit of the time with her husband, we can work that schedule out. Her recovery will not only give her a new lease on life, but will give me the time and pleasure of her company. I'm just a bit scattered and nervous today.

So many people in my life are fighting so mightily for health. My cousin Janelle shared with me after her first round of Chemotherapy that she yearned for normalcy. Just the mundane little things that make up daily life. Traffic, a stack of paper a work, what to make for dinner, taking a stroll just to get some air, using the phone just to say hi, not for a cancer update. All the little things that make up your life seem so ordinary until there're gone.

Stay mindful of what you have. Right now. And enjoy.

take care!

Monday, February 28, 2011

past and present

I've been thinking a lot about past and present. There are some special days this year with numbers attached; 80th birthday, 50, 40 and 30 as well, and a 25th anniversary. The past feels somewhat settled, and the future looks very good. There's much for which to be grateful. I had a lovely birthday over the weekend and found out my neighbor Mike has a birthday on the 27th and my friend here at work, Karen, has a birthday today! Nice!

In the midst of all this, is loss.

My cousin Helge from Randaberg, Norway has died from cancer. There was not a kinder, more gentle soul than he, other than my Dad. He is the one who told us all about the early days of our immigrant Gr. Grandfather John who was born on the island of Rennesoy, near Stavanger. What joyous times we shared with him and wife Astrid in Norway and the winter of 2010 in Phoenix, AZ. I will miss him, and think of him often.

Other near and dears are coping with cancer and chronic disease. My friend Mary described my life of late as being in a bad vortex. Quite accurate.

quote of the day from Psalms 25.4

"Make me know your ways O Lord,
teach me your paths.
Lead me in your truth and teach me,
for you are the God of my salvation; for
you I wait all day long."

take care.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

powder prediction

Really. More powder snow is predicted for the weekend. It's incredible. The new white blanket has disguised the the dirty banks of snow and ice, as well as the dog excrement that lines the boulevard. For some reason the cold weather seems to make pet owners think they are exempt from city law that clearly states; "leash and pick up after your pet." grrrr.

On a much better note, I am now typing my blog on a beautiful new apple imac. Slowly learning the mac way and happily, or worriedly, thinking ahead to when we will all be connected 24/7 with iphones and ipads.

I wonder if the lake property has a wireless network...maybe we ought to buy the acre of land behind us to lease to a tower! And with the solar power we will make money from the property!

Quote of the day from Charles Kingsley;

"Make a rule and pray to God to help you keep it, never, if possible, lie down at night without being able to say, 'I have made one human being a little wiser, or a little happier, or at least a little better this day.' "

take care today!

Monday, February 7, 2011

powerful packers

Super Bowl Sunday was a victory in Dallas and Minneapolis.

The Packers triumphed over the Steelers and all were thrilled with the outcome. The Packer fans in the media room could not contain their happiness! And it was Max's first GB championship.

The food I prepared was easy and super yummy. Easy to make and very delicious. The signature cocktail was a Tequila Sunrise--so good! And many ounces of WI beer were consumed!

Quote of the day from Gordon Parks;

"The guy who takes a chance, who walks the line between the known and the unknown, who is unafraid of failure, will succeed."

take care.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The new year, so far, has been a series of preparations;

Get the folks to the doctor and airport.
Get self to airport.
Pack up Aly's AZ stuff.
Drive cross country.
Settle into the condo.
Get Pat to & from airport. Several times.
Plan Super Bowl gathering.
Prepare for AZ birthday celebration.
Get selves to airport.

It's good to be busy, but I'm losing myself in the fray.

Quote of the day from James Stephens;

"What the heart knows today, the head will understand tomorrow."

Here's hoping.

take care.