Sometimes a change of scenery will clarify thoughts.
My mind is spinning with the things to get done for the upcoming holidays. Granted I have been slow to start in my Scroogey attitude this year, but still there are things to be completed by weeks end. Going outside with Matilda the wondrous snow digger dog, gave me a time to reflect. In the middle of the city, on a path with newly fallen snow, and a few flakes gently falling through the calm sky, I felt happy.
Happy to know that what I do or do not accomplish this week has no bearing on how much I treasure my near and dear ones. Content that the future will bring clarity and focus to what matters. Gratitude for those people who stand fast and true.
Quote of the day from Gail Sweet;
"Children will not remember you for the material things you provided, but for the feeling that you cherished them."
take care.
5 days ago