Tuesday, December 21, 2010

peaceful path

Sometimes a change of scenery will clarify thoughts.

My mind is spinning with the things to get done for the upcoming holidays. Granted I have been slow to start in my Scroogey attitude this year, but still there are things to be completed by weeks end. Going outside with Matilda the wondrous snow digger dog, gave me a time to reflect. In the middle of the city, on a path with newly fallen snow, and a few flakes gently falling through the calm sky, I felt happy.

Happy to know that what I do or do not accomplish this week has no bearing on how much I treasure my near and dear ones. Content that the future will bring clarity and focus to what matters. Gratitude for those people who stand fast and true.

Quote of the day from Gail Sweet;

"Children will not remember you for the material things you provided, but for the feeling that you cherished them."

take care.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

poignant project

Recently I participated in Project Homeless Connect. The event brings many service and provider agencies together under one roof to make access easy for those who have difficulty with transportation, let alone housing. The number of volunteers and participants runs into the thousands. Part of my job that day was to be a guide to services needed by the participant/guest. Medical, dental, eye checks, haircuts, legal services, general assistance benefits, and of course housing were stations to visit and get some work done. The mayor spoke and talked with people for much of the day. The event was a great way to help people. I'm happy to have the time to be a volunteer and work to make our community a better place.

Quote of the day from the Dalai Lama;

" Compassion seems to be the greatest power."

take care!

Friday, December 10, 2010

peculiar pep

The weather rules. Isn't that why the "bad guy" often times in old movies seek to control the weather?

I have little control over things like weather. There are things that happen to us just because we live on this planet. Living a good and honest life with integrity comes easy to some people-you know who you are- and not so easy for others. And you know who they are! I'm assuming if you are reading my blog you are a fantastic person who is interested in what I have to write and I am equally fascinated with you. Therefore you are a person of high quality and have no time for the negative force some people choose as their way of conducting themselves.

Karma. It's powerful.

The forecast is for snow in my city and I have an abundance of energy today. Just like a squirrel readying it's winter food supply, I can't sit still. I believe there is something in the air that nudges me to get the chores done. Barometric pressure? Survival instincts? Caribou coffee? I don't know. Even after dropping the hubs off at the airport early this morning, still can't settle down.

Quote of the day from Florence Shinn;

"The game of life is the game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, words, and deeds return to us - sooner or later - with astounding accuracy."

take care.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Thanksgiving gave me plenty to be thankful for.

Before Thanksgiving, I flew south to AZ to help Aly with a difficult and trying time she was experiencing dealing with unemployment and life in general. That trip proved to be bountiful. Not only did we have a fantastic dinner on Thanksgiving Day, other blessings were revealed!
My dear cousin Janelle will not need to have more chemo treatments for at least 2 months and her cancer seems to be retreating---not gone, but not growing larger. Yay!

Aly had a good interview with a business in Tempe and landed a job at Marshall's. She met with a potential new roommate and will decide on a new place to live very soon! yay! In the meantime, she's house-sitting at G&G's. Be good Aly and don't mess with Grandma's stuff!

I love all my girls! And am thankful for all the blessings.

Quote of the day from writer Jill Churchill;

"The most important thing she'd learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one."

take care.