Saturday, December 19, 2009


I really need some pointers from Peggy Fleming, a childhood hero of mine (guess why).

Lacing up borrowed, too large skates was my first mistake.

The Xcel Center in St.Paul was the location for an event for one of Patrick's customers, Imaging Path. They generously held their employee Christmas party in this arena. The food and drink were fantastic and the "Fishing Lodge" on the lower level was charming. The largeness of the arena and the smallness of the party was equaling as quaint.

I had a good attitude going onto the ice. It was extremely smooth and the skates felt like they were gliding easily on the slick surface. The issue was with how my feet could move within the skate and the high ill-fitting ankle did not allow for any "balance." So as I attempted to glide I bit, my feet moved, my ankles were static and I fell right on my butt.

Much hub-bub occurred and the paramedics were watching, but all that was hurt was my feelings. I tried to right myself and shake it off while Patrick and others hovered and finally I convinced them I was fine to take a few laps. We did a couple times around the rink, took a few pictures and called it a night. It was fun and I do want to try it again, with skates that fit.

Quote from Dale Carnegie;

"One of the tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horison--instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.

Okay then, carry on!

Friday, December 11, 2009

poo-poo puppy

I thought it was time to post a photo of the reason I venture into the outdoors from my safe, warm loft. Meet my youngest daughter Aly's dog, Mattie. I like to call her Matilda, poo-poo head, Dorgasaurus, Matilda Lou Mackinthun, would you please shut-up? and stop it!
It's an interesting life, living here in the building with a dog. Since moving to an urban area, I've found I need more outdoor weather gear than when we lived in the 'burbs. Especially since I need to walk through a public area into the outdoors which can be brutally cold! (see any weather map)
This has led to a love affair with Land's End. It's my new happy vice. The tee-shirts alone are worth a visit to the store, or web site. I am not a huge online or catalog shopper
because I need to feel the fabric and compare the colors and
pair up some accessories or match with other garments, then check the sale rack and then look at the coats! oh the coats-jackets-vests and parkas!
And don't get me started on the swimwear!!!
Graciously the weather has cooperated with my love for outdoor gear. Maybe the after Christmas sales will reveal a new "cold" outdoor uniform for me.
Quote of the day from Sarah Ban Breathnach;
" Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path of joy."
take care!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

parties and powder

The parties over the weekend were terrific!

Too many funny quips and jokes were shared and LOTS of building gossip exchanged! A couple of great outfits were displayed including some sparkle and glitter, as well as fashionable boots recently purchased in Russia!

I owe a big favor to Johanna who really helped me with the last minute food preparations. She worked for at least 2 hours just putting together the vegetable appetizers and salad. Then spent much time at the party arranging, filling and cleaning up.. Thank you so very much Hannie!

The powder falling from the sky put a damper on the airport run and shopping plans of Mom and Dad. After a short conversation about the snow that was forecast, M&D decided to go south and get themselves settled before they became snowed in here in Minneapolis.. Now on the 6:00 news there has been a warning to stay put, no travel is recommended. Ya can't win for tryin'. They are just fine, Janet gave them a big ol' Tahoe to drive.

The freshly fallen powdery snow was just like glitter on the Greenway. We were walking through inches of white and silver flaky glitter. It was one of those moments of beauty where the cold disappears and the only thing you're aware of is the beauty of the season. I took the dog out when I got home from the drive north, and she loved it. It is so funny to see her rub her face and body in the snow. I have a happy dog.

Quote of the day from John Wooden;

" Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."

Take care.